My Cinderella Story (part 2)

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**the next day
Toni*follows Betty into school* Are you nervous, excited?
Betty: I'm beyond nervous, I've never done anything like this
Veronica: Betty, here you *hands her you script*
Betty: Thanks Veronica
Veronica: you gonna do awesome, I promise *walks off*
Betty*inhales sharply and clutches her script*
Toni: Betty breathe, your gonna be okay
Betty: your right, I'm gonna be fine
Toni: now let's get to class we can focus more on that and less on this *grabs the script* because your gonna rock this
Betty: sure

**in class
Betty*reading her lines*
Jughead*burst through*
Teacher: Mr.Jones, late again
Reggie: Jughead's getting some *laughs*
Betty*rolls her eyes*
Jughead: you know it Reg
Teacher: Mr. Jones next time could we please be on time, I don't much like dealing with this everyday
Jughead*turns to the teacher* I quite enjoy this, I mean I love it actually. It's the highlight of my day
*everyone but Toni and Betty laughs*
Jughead: see so does everyone else
Betty*stands up* I for one don't so can you please sit you ass down and learn. I want to learn and I'm sure the teacher is tired of you so just let it be *sits backdown*
Reggie: oh cooper told you
Jughead*walks over to his seat shocked and sits down*
Teacher: thank you Mrs.cooper although I don't think the curse words were necessary
Betty: I'll remember for next time

**after class
Jughead: Cooper wait up
Betty: What do you want?
Jughead: that was shocking what you said
Betty*putting stuff  in her locker* well you give her hell like everyday
Jughead: yeah *leans against the lockers*
Betty: is there something else you need or you just wanna hang around?
Jughead: umm I-
Betty: that's what I thought, I have to be somewhere so bye *slams her locker and walks to the theater*
Jughead*smirks and follows her*

**in the theater
Kevin: So today will be auditions for our musical Cinderella
Betty*waves at him and sits down*
Kevin*sees Betty and smiles* okay let's start with our princess charming *looks at the list* Jughead Jones
Jughead*stands up and walks on stage*
Kevin: here, sing this *hands him some lyrics*
Jughead*singings amazingly*
Kevin: wow that was great, you've got the part
Jughead*scampers down and sits*
Kevin: next we have Betty cooper auditioning for Cinderella. Let's see it!
Betty*slowly walks up*
Kevin*hugs her* your gonna do great
Betty*nervously clutches her paper again* umm hi I'm Betty Cooper and I'm gonna sing for you
Betty*starts singing* 🎶Once upon a dream, I will see my someday. I will see my love. Ooooh once upon a dreammmm🎶
*everyone shocked by her talent*
Kevin: no more auditions
Betty: wha-what??
Kevin: you got the part, which means you and Jughead will be playing lovers
Betty*drops her script and mumbles* not him

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