My Cinderella Story (part 1)

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**at school
Betty*sitting outside under a tree*
Veronica*comes over* Yo Betty
Betty: umm hi?
Veronica*sits beside her* why did that sound like a question
Betty: cause you've actively avoided me
Veronica: true but a little birdy told me you have an amazing singing voice
Betty: was it Toni?
Veronica: maybe but that's beside the point, will you try out for the musical?
Betty: what is it?
Veronica: it's Cinderella, it's not really a musical but Riverdale sure is making it that way
Betty: I don't know *starts gathering* I have lots of homework and- umm yeah I just don't know. I'm not really a musical person, thanks though
Veronica: I know for a fact, you are ahead of the entire class, Betty Cooper please?
Betty: I just don't know, sorry *starts walking away*
Veronica*follows her* but it would be so fun,
Please just tryout if you don't like it, you don't have to do it anymore
Betty*reluctantly* fine, I'm just trying out though
Veronica*happily* awesome!!! *hands her a paper* tomorrow at 2:00pm sharp
Betty*unfolds it* okay
Veronica*smiles and scampers off*

**in the blue and gold
Toni*comes in* Hey Cooper
Betty: Toni, I'm gonna kill you
Toni: hello to you too
Betty: guess what I'm doing tomorrow
Toni*takes a swig of water* getting married? Skydiving?
Betty: haha, I'm trying out for the play. I wonder what caused that?
Toni*smirks* who knows?
Betty: Toni, why did you tell her I can sing?
Toni: cause you can, Betty Cooper your a no bass singer which one of the most angelic voices ever
Betty*smiles* Thanks Toni
Toni: what are we writing about today?
Betty: what no tea? You usually have tea
Toni: oh yeah, Jones has a new girl
Betty*sarcastically* shocker *pushes her pen down* I mean why would anyone want to date him?
Toni: if he came to you and asked for a date, would you say no?
Betty: of course I would, I wouldn't be caught dead with Jughead Jones
Toni: fair enough
Betty: my house later?
Toni: yep

Betty's POV: you'd probably wonder how a girl like me has a best friend like Toni. I met her in 8th grade when I moved back here after a year of living with my dad. I showed her around the school, she was so lost. She's been a serpent since birth but she made it official in freshman year which is how I met Jughead Jones. I went to her ceremony and he was there, hitting on every girl. It was so annoying just like in elementary school when he would make fun of everyone. He's always been a self-intitled jackass, I don't understand why everyone likes him. Anyway back to Toni, we've kinda just bonded since then. Like we are inseparable, we do almost everything together except serpents. My mom would die if I joined, although Toni's been trying 

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