My Cinderella Story (part 12)

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**a few minutes later
Betty: No no no no no, your not serious
Toni: Betty I'm so sorry
Betty: but he said he loved me, he said he truly cared. That backstabbing asshole, I need to talk to him
Toni: are you sure Betty, your probably still up-
Betty*interrupts her* oh I'm very upset which is why I need to talk with Jughead now. Toni please
Toni: fine let's go
Betty: thank you so much *hugs her* I don't know what I would do without you
Toni: same now let's go grill his ass

**at Jughead's trailer
Betty*angrily knocks on his door*
Jughead: Oh Betts
Jughead: Betts calm down, what's wrong?
Toni*from right outside the car* LIKE YOU DONT KNOW
Jughead: I don't
Betty*walks off the porch* fine then let's not talk
Jughead: Betty wait, follows her
Betty*stops and whips around* WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU????
Jughead: Betts let's just calm down and go inside
Betty: ANSWER MY FUCKING QUESTION. You knew and you still lied, just-just so you could sleep with me. That's low
Jughead: Betty it's not what you think
Betty: oh really? So you love me?
Jughead: Betts you know I do
Betty: do I? I'm not sure who you even are. Are you the Jughead who encouraged me, joked with me, loved me or are you the asshole who screwed every girl at Riverdale high and sassed off to teacher while his dumbass friends laughed in the back. Cause I I fell in love with the nice, sweet Jughead. this is the real you, the one who just needed one more girl one more time. Is it cause where seniors? You need to have a list of ALL the girls who you fucked at Riverdale to take off to college. Just know, I really loved you, I was naive and I let my guard down for you. But guess what, when I'm a big time writer or doing whatever I damn well please, your gonna remember me and my name. Your gonna remember my voice. But mostly your gonna remember my heart and how you broke it. Cause one day, your feel all the pain you've caused me. I hope you regret it and I hope you burn in hell *gets in the car*
Toni*gets in too*
Jughead: Betty wait
*they drive off*

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