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Dear readers, I am making this chapter for Jack because he is so thoughtful and loving. He was a solo artists with a angelic voice that no one will forget. Jack originally had straight black hair so his curls were fake. But doesn't matter wheather he has curls or straight hair to me. I want to thank him for his inspiration to me. He does more for people than he will ever know. Thank you Jack Avery. While most girls want him to date them, me ..... I would rather be happy with his choice of a girlfriend. I don't care who he chooses as long as he's happy. I will hopefully get to thank him someday.  I'm hopefully going to become a famous songwriter and maybe do a collab with WDW. Check out his videos i put here. I won't put them all but I will put a lot. 

Thank you this all I'm putting out but keep going to learn about the others. 

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