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Everything was back at routine. BTS busy with their schedules for their new album, RUN BTS and other things. No one noticed the way Tae's eyes lost shine. No one noticed how he started to stay silent. Because all of this was hid behind his hard work for their new album especially now when he was a part of official dance line. He worked really hard so as to make himself better and he isn't going to make mistakes.

Jimin and JK knew the truth but they were happy as their friend was finally getting back together and they wanted nothing more to give the boy space to heal. Jin was oblivious to the fact that Tae had let him go. He didn't noticed how Tae's eyes never shined when it looked toward him, not the same way. There was no look of love but it was admiration and respect but Jin didn't see that nor did he noticed that the bracelet was gone. Maybe he hadn't known if Hobi hadn't seen it one day. And it was the moment when everything crashed for him.

HOPE: Oh taehyung-ah!

V: Hmm (looking toward him from his food)

HOPE: You are not wearing the bracelet that Jin Hyung gave you.

Tae looked at his wrist of course someone must notice sooner or later. Jin's eyes widened when he took in what hobi just said and he looked toward Tae.

V: I lost it.

SUGA: Huh? You lost it

V: Yeah it slipped I didn't noticed till next day.

RM: Why are you so calm after losing the bracelet?

V: Hyung! It was just a bracelet. What do you want me to do go to police station? (chuckling)

The atmosphere suddenly tensed up. Jin stared at him in disbelief. All of them knew how much Tae treasures Jin's gift. He can lose anything and won't make a scene but anything that had to do with Jin, no he can't calm down. And here the boy was so calm as if it didn't mattered when he spent 3 years wearing that bracelet and treasuring it. But no one dared to say anything. RM looked at Jin and he knew how much Jin was affected by it. Jin was looking at Tae to find the answer but he found anything.

V: I am done. (leaving the room)


I lost it. That was the only thing in Jin's mind when he went to bed. Sleep was long gone. Was it just a bracelet for you? How could you lose it and be so calm and you didn't tell me. It was just a bracelet. No it wasn't just a bracelet Voo, it was a promise to be with each other. It was a promise to stay together. It was my promise to you that I want to know your feelings and you'll wait for me. It was your promise to me that you will be with me always. How could you lose it? Did you get tired of me? No I'm thinking too much. Maybe he didn't realized when the bracelet fell. We were so busy then. Yeah, it was only a thing. His words means more to me. He said he will be waiting and be there for me. Yes, I can gift him thousand bracelets as a promise. yes, I shouldn't panic. He might already feel bad and if I ask he would feel terrible.


Everyone saw how the two were drifting apart. They didn't spent time with each other like always. whenever the question was asked, Tae will say he is busy with practice and he gets really tired and Jin was still a little bit hurt because of the bracelet incident. But they knew something is wrong with them. But there was something else that was more bothering RM than this thing. A question that has been in his mind sine they performed from their LY tear comeback months back. What Hobi told him that night at party.

RM: What did you said?

HOPE: I said what Jungkookie told me.

RM: Are you sure you? must have heard wrong.

HOPE: No he said that Jin hyung is making out with Ken in restroom with a serious face and he makes that serious face when something bad had happened.

RM: You got to be kidding me.

HOPE: Are you going to talk to him? I thought he and taehyungie were a thing.

RM: We will discuss when he is ready to tell us, till then no one will say anything.


RM thought that whatever had happened, it must have got to do with that. As things have been strange since then. So he decided to talk to Jin. Well he didn't thought he had to corner him to talk.

JIN: What exactly is going on and why are we here in empty room? (looking at the three Rappers)

HOPE: We had enough patience so we want to talk.

JIN: About What? And you could have easily asked me rather than dragging me here.

SUGA: No offense I was tired of everything.

JIN: What this is all about?

RM: Hyung! I know you don't like to talk about your personal life much but I really need to know.

JIN: Namjoon-ah ! what ar... (RM cut him off)

RM: Are you and Ken dating each other?

JIN: (eyes widened in shock) WHAT?

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