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soft!roman x reader

warnings: none, just pure fluff :)

word count: 813


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You had been feeling sorry for yourself these last few days. It was no ones fault but your own. You had just been moping and there wasn't really a reason. You were wrapped up on the couch with a blanket.

Roman came home from work to find you exactly where he had left you, "Baby?" He said, his brows furrowed together. "Are you still upset?" You frowned, you didn't like being like this. Normally Roman was the pouty one. You just shrugged and went more into your pile of your blankets. He sat on the couch with you and pulled you into his arms. "I'm sorry you feel like this, my love." He murmured and smoothed your hair back.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm being a whiny baby."

He simply just shook his head, "Don't worry about it. You know how I get." This made you smile a little bit. You nodded and he smirked, "Come on, bubs. Lighten up." He teased.

You were normally the one calling him bubs or some other cheesy nickname. "Okayyy fine, but I'm hungry." You let a little smile slip through again. Roman was your soft spot where you were also his soft spot.

"We can order takeout and watch a movie." He said and you nodded. It sounded perfect. It would lift your mood until tomorrow, when he had to go to work again and you'd be alone.


You woke up expecting to be alone, but were pleasantly surprised to see Roman in bed next to you, "Rome?" You asked, still groggy from sleep. He was on his phone.

Normally he was up and gone before 6am so he could get home earlier. "Hi my love. I took today off. I have the day planned for us, but first breakfast." He smiled and kissed your forehead, "Finish waking up and come down soon." He got up and walked down swiftly.

The rest of the morning consisted of Roman cooking you breakfast and then the two of you taking a very long and steamy shower together. He had picked your outfit for the day which was a sundress and a hat. You were excited to see where the two of you were going since he was not giving any hints.


Before you knew it, you were pulling up to the zoo. It wasn't at all what you were expecting, but it was perfect and just what you needed. "The zoo! I haven't been to the zoo since I was a kid!" You had been meaning to go, especially with Roman.

"Olivia never took us. Letha, Shelley and I maybe went once but I don't really remember it, so it's basically my first time." He said as he pulled into one of the zoo donor's spots. It made it all the more special that Roman was going to experience it for the first time with you.

You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "I love you. Let's get going." You jumped out of the car and grabbed linked your hand with Roman's.

"What's your favorite animal, Ro?" You asked as you lead him into the zoo where the staff greeted him by name.

"Probably the wolves." He smirked and lead you inside. You rolled your eyes at his joke about Peter and walked forward. "We can see them and the lions too. I like the big cats."

"We can see them all baby. We aren't on a time sheet." Roman smiled. You decided to start at the beginning of the zoo and go until the end.

When the two of you got to the wolves, Roman pulled out his phone and took a picture to send to Peter. He texted it to him that said, 'Your cousins.'

You then walked to the big cat exhibit where your eyes lit up with excitement. Roman loved seeing it. He smiled and took a picture of you while you weren't looking.

After that, the two of you leisurely walked around the rest of the zoo until your feet were aching.

"Let's go home." You said, nearing the exit.

"One more stop!" He said, happily, pulling you into the gift shop. You smiled. You had never been able to get a souvenir when you were a kid. You immediately saw a lion stuffed animal and before you could even say anything Roman said, "It's yours."

You grinned and continued to look around, Roman basically bought everything you looked at. Which was unnecessary but he liked doing that type of thing. He even got the two of you a couple keychain.

You found the perfect gift for Roman and smirked. It was a huge wolf stuffed animal, "Oh we have to get it for Peter." He chuckled when he saw it.

"Oh yes." It ended up being the perfect day and just enough to knock you out of the funk you were in.

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