chapter VIIII

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She couldn't wait to get home. If she ran into Breunna, India, or even Avron, it would be terribly awkward.

While Gem was driving driver home at a fairly dangerous speed, Avron was having a ball, thinking he has finally got his lover. Unfortunately, AJ called when he was in the middle of daydreaming of Gem." Hello" "BRUH TURN ON THE NEWS NOW."Aj hollered into the phone, but before he could protest, Aj hung up. Thinking, it was important, Avron ran downstairs to find his mother cooking mash potatos. He turned the TV to the news.

"Natalie Jenkins here with your evening news. The lastest report involves a girl who goes by the name of "Gemini Rodriguez". Says here she severely injured in a car accident when a two ton semi-truck collided with her car, just west of I-4, hours ago. She is now being held at the South Simenole hospital, just off of exit 528 being cared for immediate treatment. Well that's all for this report, I'm Natalie Jenkins, goodnight Cali.

This is when Avron Lopez's life came crashing down.

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