The Undying Next Simbol Of Peace.

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Izuku has always been seen as weird by most of his peers. Many tried to bully him through the years, but somehow it was he who claimed victory every single time.

No matter how many times they gave him a good punch, he never stopped moving. Never seemed to be truly hurt by anything they threw at him or ever fazed at all!

He always had a devil may care smile on his face. The only time he would lose it was when someone talked about his childhood friend, Katsumi bakugou.

She had more than just home problems. Her mother caught her father cheating with another woman and divorced him. It all came crashing down in a spiral of endless trouble, after that, Until her mother couldn't take it anymore and moved from Japan to America, trying to forget it all.

Mitsuki had always been a strong woman. So, seeing her mother like this was a huge wake-up call for Katsumi. Izuku still clearly remembers how she apologized to him for all the bullying she did for two entire years after she discovered her quirk.

It was the most heartfelt apology he had ever heard from her. And took a good place in his heart, as it implied that people COULD change. Difficulty? Maybe. But, the fact that they could, gave Izuku a bolt of hope that he had been losing over the years.

One would think why she would bully someone who could take a beating no other man could, right?

If his quirk manifested early, then maybe. Sadly, It didn't.

His quirk only manifested when he was eight, and took ten years for Izuku to understand it's full capabilities.

And it was because he was aware of this fact, that he didn't hesitate to bolt into action when he saw someone get captured by the muddy slime villain.

The incompetent heroes are still paralyzed without doing anything, even after seeing him running straight to the villain.

Amidst the crowd, a man with shaggy blond hair, and an emancipated body widened his eyes at Izuku, while clenching his fists tight.

'Why I am so pathetic!' Steam started to come out of him, and his figure to bulky slight.

'Pathetic!!' He bulked even more.

Back at Izuku, the villain seemed to notice him.

"Oh? A worm trying to play hero? Great! Let me break the hope many have for heroes by killing you!!" the villain extended his slime appendages, to try and pierce Izuku with their sharpened ends.

Izuku dodged the first two with ease by slightly shifting his body from one side to another, shocking the villain. The strange thing is that Izuku always had one of his hands facing the slime villain direction.

The villain took notice of this and tried to pierce Izuku with renewed intensity.

Izuku with a jaguar grace avoided every single one of them. His palms still pointing forwards.

This infuriated the villain, making him go all out.

"Why can't you just die!!"

Hundreds of slime tentacles - more like spears, started to rain down around Izuku. He avoided the first few, but soon enough it became too much for him to handle alone.

And finally, muddy meet flesh. Piercing Izuku with a sickening sound. The crowd gasping in horror along with the heroes. Some of them kneeling in the ground to puke.

*Blergh!*, *Blergh!*, *Blergh!*.

Toshinori stopped his buffing, his eyes widening in despair.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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