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★–––• N I G H T M A R E •–––★
- 20.12.XXXX -

"RUUUUUN" I screamed as me, Cross and Error were running for our lives. Soo, what happened you might ask. And well we made Kevin (Is this his chicken name, does he originally even have a chicken in DS) mad. It was 20'th December right now and pretty cold, so we were fully packed with clothes. Making it harder for us to escape. Also the fact that the snow was at least knee-high for me and Error. And while it slowed Kevin also down, it deffinatly had an effect on us.

After we ran around for a while, Kevin had calmed down, and we were making snowangels and snowmens. It was fun, and great to be with my friend- NO... to be with my family. The family that I can trust.

Cross was a hyper and memey guy. But was creepily seriouse when it came to fighting. He had a ghost friend/pal named Chara, and they were both obsessed with chocolate.

Cross also told and then showed me and Error that he can play piano. I think that Cross is also the only one that actually hates Dream. He also burned my cape, but Error fixed it!

Talking of Error, hes the cinnamon roll of the crew. He's really good at knitting and hes a good listener (when it comes to mental and physical problems). But his downside is that he has Hapephobia. But luckily he doesn't crash and panic when me and Cross come in contact with him. So that's a plus...


"HEY, NIGHT!!!" I looked behind me just in time to see Cross throw a snowball at me. I tucked and the snowball flew over my head right at Errors head. We all stared at each other and the started laughing. Our laugher filled out ear, even tho we don't have them, it was as good feeling. We stopped laughing when we heard screaming from our right. Screaming stopped right before something crashed into a nearby tree.

★–––• D R E A M •–––★
- 20.12.XXXX -

'Ugh, damn that snow!' I was flying around to see if I could spot Nightmare, Cross and Error, only to realize that I can't actually fly when there's snowing so much outside. I lost balance and started falling down after my wings basically froze. The only sound that I heard was the wind howling and my own screams that sounded like someone was trying to stab me.

I looked down to see that I was falling toward a cliff. So using the last of my energy that I had left still I tried to turn myself away from the cliff. Only to end up falling into a forest and slamming right wing right into a tree. I tried looking up only to realize that I can barely move. Panic set inside of me as I realized that and I started to try to move something. I finally succeeded in turning my head to inspect my injuries.

Almost my whole back and legs were cover in blood, my right wing was twisted in an unnatural angle while my left wing was just scrapped(?) of feathers in some parts, showing off the muscle of my wing. My right arm was deffinatly broken and same goes to my left leg. I layed my head back down on the snow and just let coldness of the winter swallow me.

"H-Hey, Over here!" ...


'WAIT THAT SOUNDED LIKE ERROR!' I quickly looked behind me to see Error walking toward me... very slowly. 'What is he doing here?'... "E-Error?" My voice came out weak and was barely over a whisper. "W-Wha *cough* What are you doing here?" Error stopped for a moment then sat next to me. He lifted my head a bit and out of instinct I tried to my away....... only to realize that my right leg was stuck behind something.

Error looked at me leg and stood up, walking toward it. "W-WAIT WHAT AR-AAAAAAHHHHH" That's the second time that I scream and my throuth felt really sore. Error had somehow managed to move a bag ass rock by himself and was now inspecting my wounds. He then grabbed his scarf and tore it in half "Error wh-what are doing... *cough* *cough* I thought that this scarf was passed down for you!"

"Well your wrong-" Error but some snow on my leg to clean the wound. "-I actually made it. But don't worry if I manage to fix Nightmares scarf in two days then this will be a piece of cake!" "Who said I was worrie- OW!!" Error shoved some snow into my leg roughly, probably because he hates being talked like that.

"I'm surprised your still able to talk, brother." I looked behind me again. Nightmare and Cross stood there. Nightmare was holding a medical aid kit and Cross was carrying another scarf and a bag.

- Timeskip, brought to you by me being in my math lessons -

★–––• E R R O R •–––★
- 20.12.XXXX -

We just got back home, and we had put Dream in a spare room that we only have because Writer is too lazy to think of a reaso

*DS!Error!Sans has been removed*


We just got back home and placed Dream -who had passed out from blood loss at some point- in the spare bedroom that we had. I was fixing Dreams clothes while Nightmare cooked dinner and Cross kept an eye on Dream. It's kinda weird and scary to have your enemy passed out in your spare room, but I don't really care.

•942 Words
STARTED 21.10.2020
Published 10.11.2020

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