Before n Now

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Before we teased each other.  Before we got along.  Before we were always together.  Before we fooled around.  Before we were great friends.

Before we talked about life.  Before we gave each other advice.  Before we played games.  Before we never lied about each other. 

Now we hate each other.  Now we never talk.  Now we are always apart.  Now we are enemies.  Now we don't tease each other. Now we don't see each other.

Now we talk about nothing.  Now we don't give advice.  Now we lie about each other.  Now you hate me and me you.  Now we are nothing.

Before we were great but when freshman year started we became enemies you spread lies about me and I've had enough I'm not going to play this little game.  I'm done.  Good-bye friend.....

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