Can't have anything- 2

153 2 1

Japan p.o.v

"Konichiwa, Koreas!" I gave them a small smile, they were a little confused "um...hi, what do you want?" A female korean said. I tried having a cute and suprised face, (so that they will go easy on me) "I just wanted to challenge you (I guess)".

"Oh, um sure? Why not." The female Korea said but all of a sudden a male korean (I think that's her brother) told me "can you give us a moment." They both whisper. Whispering doesn't stop me, thank god I have good hearing from this fox ears of mine.

I can hear a man's voice talking "I don't trust her, she may look innocent and kind but she is a little sus to me." "I don't mind that she looks sweet, it's just...we have many chips I don't mind spending them." She whispered.

Both of them turn arround to face me, "ok...l-let's gamble, shall we?" I can smell both of their sweats, we both shake our hand "Gyanburu shiyou"!!!

I can tell that everybody heard me, "So, how much are you gonna bet?" I asked. She took a deep breath and said "30 chips". "mwohaneungeoya (What are you doing)?!" Her brother yelled, I chuckle "Ara ara~" Is she out of her mind?!

"If that's what you bet, so em I-" uh...oh yeah I only have 10 chips "um... can we start with 5 chips, since I onwy have 10 chipus~" I hope that works. They both look at each other and nodded, "sure, 5 chips it is." chips were placed in the middle waiting for a winner. A deck of cards were spreaded around the table, "Pick a secret card madam Japan" I pick a card and gave it back so we can start the game.

The female korean played first, we both pick up the card and started getting rid of cards in pairs. We have so many card in our hand that I needed help, kings, jacks, queens, aces, and more cards have been place on the middle. We only have 12-15 card on our hands and now "Let the game begin"!

My hand started going towards her cards and pick one and tuned it around to see that my card and this card are the same, I picked up that card and place it in the middle. And now her hand started doing the same thing, she got one of my card on her hand and grabbed another card from hers and place it in the middle.

It's my turn, I can see that she have less cards than mine. Hmm let's just have a little peek and see what she have, my hand picked a card but I use my nails to see the reflection of her cards. I see that I don't have that card, so I pick another card and the game continues.

Few minutes later

"Wow I won!" She then giggle and gave me her 5 chips "You're lucky I went easy on you". Easy on me? Huh please "Can we play again?" I cheered with a fake smile, "sure, but how about my brother play-" the female korean said. Then her brother jump "WHAT?!" "Aw come on Norea, just one game." His sister tried calming and begging him to play until he sat down, and so it began again. "What would you like to bet madam Japan?" I think for a sec until answering "How about...10 chipus~"? "Alright".

Deck of cards were spread around the table, but he has to pick this time. He took one and gave it back. "Should we begin?" I ask, and he nodded as a respond. Again we started getting rid of cards by pair until we have 18-16 cards left in our hands, "Ladies first?" I chuckled "what a gentle man". I grab one of his cards, and reveal the card.

Six, I looked back at my cards but it seems that I got a little lucky this time. Now I know what's the secret, but I think he also knew. Time for a plan. He is quiet clever but blind to even see through my little tricks, I mean he's missing an eye. This man knows where I put that card so everytime he looks away from my cards I swap them with a different card, so he'll pick another card.

3rd person p.o.v

The game keeps on going and going till they only got a few crads left, Norea only got 2 cards but Japan got 3. Norea reach for that card but then it was the secret card's pair, he got unlucky. Japan pretended to be suprised, "oh? That card has no pair, how unlucky".

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