Beginning of the end- 1

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UN p.o.v

Noises was heard across the whole casino, all I heard was sceamings of "NO!"& "YES!" Everyday nothing changes except the players and games they play.

Those words keep on repeating over and over my head, this place will alwasy be crowded and noisy. What kind of place have I created, I hope something will come and make this place peacful and quiet-


"UN, we have a problem"!

"EU, next time please, please, PLEASE knock!" I said with an irritated voice.

EU apologize "b-but IT'S AN EMERGENCY-" I raised a hand "calm down, what's the "emergency" you're talking about"?

"It's Hangary, she had collapse to the ground and-" I rushed out of my office and get my sister.

3rd person p.o.

"Hangary, wake up!" A red and white country yelled, while a black, red and gold country lower his head while his chips are taken away by the "Allies". 

Bulgaria tap Germany's shoulder "Sorry Germany this is just not working out".

"I'm outta here-" "NO! We still ca-can..."

"...Win." Germany looked at his enemies with anger, he sigh and said "good game Allies, I guess this means I'm under your control now".

"Well played Germany-" loud footsteps were heard across the casino. "Excuse me, It's an emergency" a woman that look like nurse came running to the unconscious country.

"Calm down Austria, she is still breathing. So Mr. Austria, what was the cause of Hangary's collapsion?" Austria took a deep breath and open his mouth.

"Before this happen, she said "If we are gonna loss, I'm totally gonna collapse and gone dead" but I don't really think that she means dead dead, just unconscious". That's all he said.

She thinked "It appears that Hangary was just surprised of your defeat, I think that made her faint." She carried her to a place for Hangary to rest and they never seen her for the rest of the day.

"So Germany, how does it feel?" Britan asked, Germany's head is still down. He just couldn't believe he lost the game, "Next time I'll win for sure"!

France gave him a disgust look, "Next time? There is no next time, look at you. You have have nothing and nobody on your side. Give up Germany"!

Germany just gave them a the look, one by one he look at them. The emotions on their faces are different, two of them started at Germany with an evil grin, and others is doing there thing.

Germany p.o.v

I can't believe it, my team left me and now I have nothing to do now.

I stood up and walk away, "one beer." I waited while looking at my enemies. "Ciao Germania." An Italian accent startled me.

"Italien..what do you want from me?" I waited for a respond, and all I just heard was him ordering a drink for himself. He opened a pack of cigarette and lighted one, and smoke came out of his mouth.

"I left the Allied." I was surprised, but also a little confused. As I was about to ask, he spoke before I could even  say anything.

"Me and the others, let's just say that...we aren't getting along." He took a little sip at his drink, I stayed silent. "I know that you and I have so much in common, I know that you like violent things and more things that you could ever think of yourself".

H-how- "I know you're gonna ask me how...well it's simple." I have nothing to say about this "I stalk."

He turned my head to a country "you see that white and red woman, do you know her?" I shook my head "well I know you have encounter her before".

"When?" I said.

Italy explained "I see that you have forgotten her, she was under someone or your control. You've been ignore her for a long time, it was not just you who control her, she was also under Russia and Austria's. I can fully understand the reason why most of the people here haven't heard from her, she has been...hidding".

"Oh, hidding? Kinda make sense, you're kinda useful for my team." Why did I said that?! I can feel that he is confused "Team, you're gonna invite me in your team now"?

Oh god "Uh... n-" "Count me in"!

I wasn't expecting that, I froze for a sec but I gave him a smile "Welcome to the team, but first can you help me getting more chips"?

3rd p.o.v

For the past few minutes Italy have been playing games, meanwhile the games continued.

"Jap, may I borrow some of your chips?" Ame kindly ask.

"America, how many times do you want to trade with me-" he gave her puppy dog eyes. Japan tries not to show any emotion, but she couldn't handle the "puppy dog eyes". "Fffff-fine, next time I'm not falling for that. Got it?!" The American noded with his hand full with Japan's chips.

Japan wave America bye, "goodluck" when Ame turn around her smile fades away. Her smile became a frown. "You better give my chips back you son of a bi-" she whispered to herself.

Japan p.o.v

Damn you America, trading with me is useless. You never give me something in return, I'm running out of chips because of you and them.

I should better get some or I'll end up being a target of slavery. This is bull$hit, am I just their bank or something.

"Aww man, I guess I loss boohoo." Korea...China, huh I guess I'll get some from them. I hope the others wouldn't mind if I get some from them...

...I have no choice, they led me no choice, there isn't any choice I could choice than this.


"Let's see how they react when I get my money and oil back from winning every game I play".

982 words counted⬆️

Author: ah, well well well. What do we have here, another book... I hope you readers will like this. I had this idea since I watched Kakeguri, this is a little short so I'll try to make the next one a little bit longger.

Bye uwu

Let's gamble (countryhumans au)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें