Part 9

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Brett's point of view
After I got myself together I walked out of the waiting room and into the ED. I saw Maggie and I asked her "Maggie, do you have an update on Severide and Stella?" "I don't have an update. I can tell you though that it's not good. Severide is non responsive and Dr. Choi took him for a head CT. As for Stella, Dr. Manning did an ultrasound and Stella's appendix had burst and she had a postpartum hemorrhage. Dr. Manning took Stella to surgery immediately but I haven't heard anything else." Maggie said. When Maggie was saying this I knew that the outcomes for them weren't good. "Well if you hear anything can you let me know." I told her. "Of course" She said.

I walked back to the waiting room, bad thoughts just filling my mind. "Anything?" Casey asked. "Uhh... it's not good" I told him. I explained everything to him that Maggie had told me. We both just sat in silence. That silence was broken by the cry of Leslie who had just woken up. I took her out of the car seat and rocked her but she was still fussy. I tried giving her a bottle, changing her diaper, walking around with her, but nothing worked. I think she wanted her parents.

Casey and I took Leslie outside and walked around with her so she wouldn't be crying in the waiting room. It was late, we were all tired and it was kinda chilly out. Casey had took Leslie and was rocking her but she still was crying so I took her back. After about 15 minutes we got her to calm down and go back to sleep. When we were walking back inside I got a text from Maggie saying Dr. Choi had an update on Severide. I told Casey and we hurried inside.

Nobody's point of view
Casey and Brett came in the doors and were greeted by Dr. Choi. "Hey Sylvie, Matt." He said. "Hey Ethan. any updates?" Brett said. "Yes. So Severide has been unconscious we took him for a head CT and discovered an epidural hematoma, a brain bleed. He is headed up to surgery right now with out best neurosurgeon to evacuate the bleed." Ethan Said. "Oh my god! Will he be all right?" Brett asked. "I've heard most people don't even wake up after these, or they do and they are paralyzed or don't even have their memory." Casey said. "Those are all serious risks that come with this. But we are hopeful he won't be paralyzed because when we were intubating him, he fought it, which means his senses are still intact." Ethan said. "Well that's a good sign." Brett said. "But as for the memory, we have no way of knowing if it will affect him or not, till after the surgery." Ethan said. "Okay umm, thanks Doc." Casey said.

Brett's point of view
Casey and I went to sit back in the waiting room and we laid Leslie in her car seat. "This is bad." I told Casey. "I know. But we have to hope for the best." He said trying to think positive. "Hope for the best. We don't even know if Severide will wake up and even if he does what are the chances he's gonna remember us, his daughter, his wife. Who we don't even know if she's gonna make it." I said to him. "Brett we have to stay positive. No matter what. If god forbid, Kelly and Stella don't make it out of this we have to take care of Leslie." Casey said. "I know. But I can't lose my best friend Matt. I just can't." I told him while I was tearing up. "I know. I can't lose mine either." He said. We both just sat there holding each other while waiting for an update. After what felt like days, Dr. Choi, came out.

Dr. Choi walked up to us and we stood up and he started talking. "We evacuated all the blood in Kelly's brain. Everything went well. The only thing left is just waiting for him to wake up." "Thanks Doc. Can we see him?" Casey said. "Right now he needs to rest but I'll let you know when you can." Dr. Choi said. Casey sat back down but I stayed standing. "What's wrong?" Casey said. "We still haven't heard an update on Stella. If it's been this long somethings gotta be wrong. I'm gonna go ask Maggie again." I told him.

I walked up to the desk and asked Maggie "Is there anything on Stella?" "Nothing yet. But it's been a long time. I'll got up there right now and see what's going on." Maggie said. "Thanks" I told her.

Nobody's point of view
Maggie was walking up to the OR where Stella was, she herself was scared because it shouldn't be taking this long. It had been almost 4 hours. Maggie walked into the OR and asked Dr. Manning, "Hey Nat, do you have an update? What's taking so long?" "We removed the appendix and are working on finding the source to the bleed. But she's losing blood faster then we can get it in her and I can't see anything." She said. Just after Natalie finished saying that a loud beeping started going. "Damn it were losing her" Natalie said. "Quick start compressions and get me a crash cart." Natalie yelled.

Maggie started compressions while Dr. Manning was getting ready to shock her. "Alright, charge, clear." Dr. Manning said. But there was still no pulse. "Resume compressions and charge again. Come on Stella, stay with me come on. Clear." Dr. Manning said. Stella's body shook but still no pulse.

"Resume compressions" Dr. Manning said. "Hold on. I got a pulse. It's faint but it's there" Maggie said. Everyone had a sigh of relief. "Alright, let's find this bleed and fast. Maggie can you stay and assist?" Dr. Manning asked. "Yeah. no problem" Maggie said.

Brett's point of view
Maggie still hasn't came back, that made my stomach feel weird, like something bad was happening. Casey had stepped outside to call chief and let him know everything that was going on. Leslie ended up waking up again and I was just holding her, she didn't want to go back to sleep. Casey came back in and said that chief didn't answer so he just left a message telling him to call him back. It had been about an hour since Maggie was suppose to get me an update but still nothing.

It was now about 3:30 am Leslie was sleeping in my arms and Casey had his eyes closed too. I tried falling asleep but couldn't, my mind was just worrying about Stella. Then Maggie came out. I got up with Leslie and walked to her. "What's going on? Do you have an update?" I asked. "Stella's out of surgery's Dr. Manning will be out to update you on everything in a minute." Maggie said. "Okay thanks Maggie" I said. After Maggie said this I had so much relief, I felt like I could finally breathe.

I went back and sat down and awoke Casey to tell him the news. As I was telling Casey the news Dr. Manning walked up to us and said "Stella is out of surgery and stable. We managed to find the source of the bleed and stop it and we removed her appendix. It was touch and go for awhile, she lost a lot of blood and her heart did stop for about 5 minutes. we won't know if that had any affects on her till she wakes up. I know this is a lot to take in, but no visitors for her right now because she needs her rest." "Okay. Thanks Nat." Casey said. I was in so much shock I couldn't believe. If both Stella and Kelly had brain deficits and didn't remember anything then they wouldn't even know their daughter.

Maggie then came up to us and said "Why don't you guys go home for the night, get some rest, shower and come back in the morning. I'll call you if there is any changes." "Yeah. I think we'll do that. Thanks Maggie." Casey said. We left the hospital went home and got some sleep so we could come back in the morning.

Authors Note!!
Thanks for reading! Next Part coming Monday!

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