Part 2

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Stella's point of view
These past few days have been amazing but tiring. Kelly and I are so in love with this little life we brought into the world. Leslie didn't really sleep good last night, so Kelly and I were up most of the night with her. She is 2 days old now. Kelly just left to go to the store and to get some lunch. Brett just got here to see Leslie. When Brett got here she told me she wasn't going to stay for lunch anymore and was only going to stay for about 30 minutes then she was going to meet Casey. I think those two are going to turn into something great. Leslie was napping in her room and I was cleaning up the kitchen, Brett had just left when I heard a knock at the door. Maybe she had forgotten something.

Shay's Point of View
I was driving to Severide's house, when I arrived I wasn't sure I had the right address because the building didn't seem like a house and I didn't see Kelly's mustang. But I went ahead anyways because chief said this was his house. When I walked inside the building I saw apartment doors so I felt better that this was the right place. I walked up to the door, slightly hesitated then knocked.

Stella's point of view
I went to the door and opened it, but it wasn't Brett. I knew I had seen this women before but I was so tired that I couldn't recall where I new her from. I finally spoke and said " hi, can I help you?" She responded with "I am looking for Kelly Severide , is he here?" It finally hit me where I knew her from, this is the women we named our daughter after. But it couldn't be, I had to be delusional, she had died in a warehouse fire, how is this possible? I responded with "No, he's out right now, but I am his wife. sorry it's just, you look like someone I know of, but it can't be" She then said " I think I might be the person you know of. I am Shay, Leslie."

She held out her hand and I shook it and said " Stella, Stella Kidd, or Severide" she laughed and said " nice to meet you." I didn't want to be rude and leave her standing on the porch but I didn't know her or if this was even really her. I went with my gut and said "umm go ahead and come in, Kelly should be home soon." She responded with "thanks. I know this is probably awkward for you, knowing that I am supposed to be dead but I am standing in your house." she laughed. I then said " It is believe me, I still don't know if I am that tired to were I am seeing things" She laughed and said " No, you're not I promise, I am really here, I never died." This was confusing for my very tired brain. I asked her " if you didn't die, what happened?" She then started to explain the whole situation about working with the FBI and then having to get out of Chicago. After she finished telling me the details I told her "Kelly is going to be so shocked to see you, but I think it will give him great joy too." " I am so excited to see him, it hurt me to leave him, you know? Make him think that I was dead." she said "Yeah I know it hurt him too" I said.

Shay's point of view
Chief Boden was right, I like Stella, she seems good for Kelly. She looked very tired but she was still really pretty. There apartment looked really nice and cozy and surprisingly big. I was shocked that Stella knew what I looked like. I mean I know Kelly would tell her about me but I didn't know that she would know what I look like. After I explained everything to her I told her that it hurt me to leave Kelly like that and she said that it hurt him too, that made me feel sad but I had to leave or I would've really died.

Nobody's point of view
Shay and Stella were talking, Shay was getting to know Stella more. Stella really liked Shay, she's glad she's getting the chance to meet her. Shay then asks "How did you meet Kelly? Was it at 51?" Stella laughs and says "No not at all, I knew Kelly before I started at 51. So basically I was at this training seminar and Severide was the instructor. One night I am getting home from the academy, and keep in mind I was married at the time, and I was in the kitchen when I see kelly come in through my back door, with roses and a six pack" Shay starts laughing saying "Sounds like Severide" Stella just laughs and then says "that's not the only thing, but my husband at the time saw Kelly and he wanted to press charges and everything. But I talked him out of it and Severide went on his way. I never saw him again until I was at 51" "Classic Severide" Shay says. They are talking some more when they are interrupted by a cry.

Shay's point of view
Stella then says " sorry about that, i'll be right back." Stella then walked off to the back rooms. I got up and was just looking at the pictures on the wall of Stella and Kelly's wedding, it was purely beautiful, they looked so in love. A few moments later Stella walked out with an adorable tiny baby with a head full of hair. I then told Stella "She looks absolutely precious" "Thank you" Stella says I then say "she definitely has her mamma's hair but her daddy's fingers" "That's what I told Kelly. Would you like to hold her? Stella asks "I would love too. What's this adorable little girls name? " I ask as she hands me the baby. "Leslie Rae Severide" Stella says. I couldn't believe it, they named their daughter after me. " Oh my gosh. Really. I love it" I said

Nobody's point of view
Shay was still holding Leslie while sitting on the couch with Stella, they were talking about work and then Stella asked "what are you going to do now that you're back in Chicago?" "While I was talking to Chief earlier and he offered me the spot on ambo" Shay said. " Oh okay. It will be nice to have you around" Stella said. Just then there was the sound of the lock clicking at the door.

Severide's point of view
I was so exhausted, but it has been so worth it. I have to of the greatest girls in my life now. I was out grabbing a few things at the store and picking up some lunch for Stella, Brett and I. I just pulled up to the apartment and was grabbing everything. I got my keys and unlocked the door, I could here talking on the other side. When I walked in I saw Stella and Brett sitting on the couch, Brett was holding Leslie, but she looked different. Then she turned around and I realized that it wasn't Brett, but the person I thought I would never see again.

Authors Note
Hope you guys enjoyed this part. Let me know if you have any suggestions. 
BTW: I forgot to put this in the background part, but Casey and Brett are Leslie's godparents

Another Life - A Stellaride and Shaveride story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang