Part 7

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Severide's Point of View
We arrived at the restaurant, it was one of the best and fanciest restaurants in town. I got out and opened Stella's door, took her hand and we walked toward the entrance. Stella stopped walking a little before the door, so I did too.  She then said "Kelly, you didn't have to do this." "Yes I did, you deserve it." I said "How did I get so lucky" she said. "I wonder the same thing" I said. We kissed then headed inside.

Stella's point of view
I couldn't believe Kelly did all this, he is the best. A night out was definitely something I needed, especially since I was going to be stuck at home with Leslie while Kelly was working.

We got seated and Kelly and I were just admiring each other before the waiter came to ask us what we wanted to drink. We ordered and started talking. It was nice not having to worry about Leslie. We were able to connect and find each other again.

Brett's point of view
Once Stella and Kelly dropped off Leslie I held her and just admired her, she is perfect. She started getting fussy so I got her a bottle and rocked her. After she finished her bottle she fell fast asleep in my arms. I wanted to put her down but she looked so comfortable. I finally put her in the pack and play without waking her up, but then the doorbell rang.

Once the doorbell rang she immediately woke up and started crying. I went to get her and then answered the door, it was Matt. Right when I opened it he said "sorry, did I wake her?" "Yes, but it's not a problem I had just put her down, come in." He came in and gave me a kiss and sat the bag of what I assume was food on the counter. Leslie had stopped fussing and was just looking around. "do you want me to take her?" He asked. "Yea. If you want" I said. He took Leslie and started talking to her and lightly rocking her. Those two together made my heart melt.

Severide's point of view
Dinner was going great, we had just got our food and started eating. It was nice to connect and get to talk to Stella once again. Ever since we had Leslie we have been so busy that we hadn't had time for ourselves.

Stella's point of view
Dinner was so peaceful, Kelly even ordered my favorite for dessert, chocolate cake. We ate the cake and then just continued talking with each other. Then Kelly pulled out a long grey box that had a ribbon wrapped around it. He then placed the box in my hand and said "I got something for you." "Kelly, you didn't have to." I said. "Yes I did, you deserve it, you are a great wife and an excellent mother." He said "Well thank you. You are the best husband and father" I said.

I opened up the box and inside it was another long black box, the kind that a necklace would go in. I opened the black box and it was a necklace that had the letter L and the letter K on it. "Oh my gosh. Kelly." I said. "Here let me put it on you" He said. He put the necklace on me. "Do you like it?" He said. "It's beautiful, I love it." I said. "I'm glad you do" He said. "I love you so much" I said. "I love you too." he said. He gave me a kiss and then said "Are you ready to go get out girl?" "Is that even a question" I said. He took my hand and we walked to the car, got in and started driving.

Brett's point of view
Leslie was sleeping and Casey and I had just finished eating and we're watching a movie on the couch when my phone dinged. I went and got it, it was a text from Stella saying they were leaving the restaurant and were on their way.

Nobody's point of view
Kelly was driving. They were going to pick up Leslie from Brett's house. They were waiting at a red light, Kelly and Stella were just looking into each others eyes then all of a sudden Stella yells "What is this guy doing!" Then a loud bang occurred.

A diesel drove into the wrong lane and hit Kelly and Stella's car. The diesel was going really fast and had hit them on Kelly's side of the car. The car went spinning. rolled then landed . "Kelly!, Kelly!" Stella called out, but there was no response. Stella had a sharp pain in her side but she was so worried about Kelly as he was unresponsive.

Stella's point of view
How could this be happening? Everything was perfect, this night, Kelly. Now it can all be taken away from me.

I tried moving but it felt like something was sitting on my side. I called out for Kelly but there was no response. There was blood going down his face and he wasn't conscious. I checked for a pulse, it was faint but it was there. I couldn't find my phone to call 911 and I didn't know if anyone else had called. I was so scared I couldn't lose Kelly, Leslie couldn't lose him. I got snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of sirens.

Nobody's point of view
The fire trucks and ambulance came and Stella called out to them "help, help over here". Stella didn't know if they saw the car since it rolled. The firefighters had been there for a few but no one had come over to Kelly and Stella's car.

Stella then tried to honk the horn but when she started moving she winced in pain. She fought the pain and honked the horn. She still didn't know if they could hear her until she heard them trying to open the door.

Brett's point of view
It had been like 30 minutes since Stella texted me, but the restaurant was only like 15 minutes away from here. I didn't know what was taking so long. I tried calling her but no answer so then I called Severide but no answer.

I told Casey I was worried and he said maybe they just made a stop or something. I told him I didn't think it was that and to see if he can get ahold of them. Casey called Severide but no answer. Something wasn't right I know it.

Authors Note
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed. Next part will be posted on Wednesday!

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