12.His Bite

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My footsteps echo through the empty night street as I stroll through the dark, racking my knuckles every now and then as I try to jot down the dots. The twins had mentioned that Jennet might have tried to steal the relic of the first original Vampires and I was utterly confused on why she wanted that.

Didn't she write in her diary of using me later on? The main question now is why did she go for the  relic instead of me? Considering the fact that I have no security and if she wanted, she could have easily kidnapped me.

I take a whiff of the cold air that is lingering around me and let out a loud frustrated groan.

I glance upwards at the night sky, expecting to see the moon which might give me a little reassurance, but instead find the sky pitch black, with the only lights coming from the rusty street lights.

This couldn't get any worse. I walk further and kick some rocks on the way while trying to make sense of everything in my head.

Urgh. It's useless.

"Why would Jennet go for a stupid relic than rather than me? And why?" I say it out loud to no one.

My words echo, bouncing in the air.  I stiffen and scan my surroundings, shoot! Someone may have heard me. I increase my pace, entering an isolated dark alley and re-start my wandering.

For a town filled with vampires, the night was strangely empty. Which was kind of shocking since I heard Vampires love the night and thrive for the darkness.

Must have been a rumour.

I roll my eyes and continue to stroll at the now unfamiliar path. So why? Why? I am back to square one.

"Maybe, she doesn't need me anymore!" I whisper to myself. It is stupid. After all, I’m pretty sure Jennet is here for me. Her breaking into the town's bolt is too much of a coincidence. And it would probably be stupid to underestimate her. She is no fool and is probably smarter than she looks, hell she looks like the evil smart queen in the dystopian novels.

Small droplets of rain fall onto my skin, causing a small break through from within me. It makes sense. I stop on my path and hear a thunder somewhere far away from me and another piece gets solved. Damn, is this God? Oh my, it's unbelievable.

I whisper the conclusions in disbelief" She is still behind me, but the relic must have been more important. Or maybe it has-"

"Something to do with me," a dark masculine voice speaks behind me and I freeze.

"Damien," I say under my breath and turn with wide eyes.

"Rose." He smirks and leans on the nearby wall. He is wearing a striped denim jacket and jeans with a white top. My eyes trail over to the picture on the shirt - showing an image of fangs with the phrase 'Fang you very much'.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and automatically take a few steps back in surprise.

"You know, just checking on my crazy human friend and explain how stupid her theories are." He smiles, although it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

I straighten my back and stay alert, by the things I have seen in the past few days, Damien might be the most trustable person, but not trustworthy completely yet - so I can't keep my guard down.

"Well, what do you want?".

"To tell you how stupid your theory is, as I had mentioned before." He stretches his neck sideways and makes his way towards me. I take a few more steps back, trying to increase the distance between us.

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