Thread: Comment for Comment (C4C)

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By far our most unpopular branch, the Comment for Comment page is a place for people to trade comments on their stories or story chapters. It's here that everyone can truly find out what others in the pack think about their stories. It is monitored so that if you are cheated out of a comment, the higher ups of the pack will find out about it.

So, why not take a chance and be the first to comment here? There's nothing to lose after all. We're a supportive family here and if they're being rude, mean, or nasty about your story, one complaint to one of us and that will be fixed as soon as possible. As Talon stated in his own personal rules in the begining, no bullying will be tolerated within this pack.

Also keep in mind that Angus (@Blackfae) is always open to critiquing chapters of a persons book and will always try to be as kind and fair as possible with it while also trying not to sugar coat your problems. Just be sure to message him as well as post it on this thread up above. He is not open for any full critiquing of books due to the fact that he has time restraints that prevent him from reading a full book.

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