Basic Rules From Talon

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1. No bullying. Pestering, joking, even being aggressive is fine. Once you start bullying, that's when you get in trouble.

2. If I, the Luna (@Decoii), the Betas (@Vixenbunny and @BlackFae), or Gamma (currently unavailable) say don' t do something, it's probably in your best interests not to do it.

3. Even if I'm not watching, I'm still watching. Most of the time I'm fair, but if I hear that you're bullying someone, or breaking some other major rule (bullying being the biggest), I will kick you out with no questions- with or without the consent of the Luna, the Betas, the Gamma, or the Elders say. I will also most likely try to get your Wattpad account removed if the bullying is done here.

4. I'm equal to everyone in the pack, as is everyone else. No one in the pack is above or under somebody else. So don' t try to act better than someone. This won't get you removed- but you will be monitored for possible bullying.

5. Have fun. A pack is family and we help each other.

That's all I can think of for now, but this may be updated later.

Crescent Moon Pack: DirectoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz