The Unexpected..

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"AARRGGGHH!! " taehyung groaned and threw the device on the bed. And got up stretching his sore muscles. "where is yoongi?" he wondered, looking around trying to spot his husband but he was nowhere to be found. Everything was on place, intact just the way yoongi like it. Taehyung opened the wash room, after knocking a few times. But still no yoongi. He sighed sadly and came back to the room and pulled his phone out. He dialed yoongi but, it just ringed a few times before an annoying automated voice informed him about his call not being answered. 'must be working' he thought and pushed his phone back to his pocket, before he made his way outside the room, in search of his new target.

He was just walking mindlessly in the hall after he got himself a strawberry sandwich. He had nothing to do. This just made him realize that yoongi was right and he really don't know how to survive without yoongi. He kicked the air, pouting bored. He called yoongi once more but still no answer. He looked around and he realized, he was standing just in front of the study room. He had no intention of visiting that depressing hole. But the big lock hanging securely on the door, made him curious about what's so precious inside the room. He started to pull the lock, hoping it would break. But no, it was too strong to break. Looking around for something that could help him get rid of that lock was the only option left with him.

He returned to his room in despair, when he could not find a way to enter the room. He really wanted to know what was so interesting in the room, as yoongi used to spend his maximum time in that room, other than his studio. Even the time he was found in the study was more than the time he spent with taehyung. And the fact that he was never allowed in the room ,neither did he tried to enter the room made the room more interesting at the moment. He could understand that music was his passion but books? What was so interesting about them to make him spend his time there? And what was so special about them, that yoongi felt a need to lock them up? It felt like Taehyung's possessive nature was jealous of those book too. No, he can't let it go. So, he started searching for the key and he did find it at last. It was laying under Yoongi's pillow. The key looked as ancient as the lock was. He pushed the key in the keyhole and rotated it. Which turned around with a loud creak and some black powder started coming out of the rusty lock and covered his hand and the floor below it with black color . 'that's what we can expect from a rusty lock' he thought looking at his now black palms. Taehyung pushed the door open, rubbing his dirty hands on his jacket, to make them clean and the jacket dirty simultaneously. And then he stood in the middle of room with wide eyes and a gray jacket with two black patches on it made by the lock rust.

Books everywhere, so many books the room was literally covered with books .it looked like even the walls and ceiling was made of books.. It was the first time he visited this room. Generally this room was Yoongi's usual spot. Yes, he has been here a few times to get yoongi for dinner, but he never realized how big it was. But now he is here because he is really bored. Scanning the gaint shelfs, his mouth opened in awe. 'how the hell do yoongi reach to the books placed at the top?' he thought getting on his tippy toes and raising his hand up, trying to find how high it was. And he huffed when he realized he could just reach the second rack from the top. He looked around, trying to find any source he could use to get to the top. But the room was filled with just high shelves and millions of weird and ancient books. It looked like he has just entered the Harry Potter world, the books looked like they were old, very old but not dirty. It looked like someone has been cleaning them regularly. And that someone is bound to be yoongi.

Taehyung took  a step back and suddenly his hips landed on the ground with a loud 'thud ' without him even realizing . A hiss left his lips, as he looked around to find out the reason for his condition. Soon his eyes fall on a wooden stick peeking from behind the shelf. He pulled it out aggressively, and soon the lower part of the stick Flared making him jump in surprise. "A broom? Why is it here? Is vacuum cleaner not enough for him?" taehyung questioned himself, looking at the wooden broom with a frown. His lips formed a 'o' when he realized something, 'he must be using it to take out his books because They are so high' he answered his own question.

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