Chapter 2

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"Mewww..we're going to become parents again" Gulf cooed happily to his husband

"Yes baby and thanks for conceiving once again, I love you" Mew then kissed Gulf which got interrupted by the Royal Physician

*clears throat* "Ok my Prince, I will be going now" the Royal Physician said after giving Gulf some herbs for his morning sickness and another herb to be drink for the healthy growth of the child he then took his leave.

"Our baby Gabby will be so happy to be an elder brother" Mew said while grinning stupidly

"Yeah, we'll tell Gabby and your parents during dinner okay...I'm tired now and hungry now" Gulf said while pouting cutely

"Alright my future queen, let me get the servants to serve our lunch here, Gabby must be back by now" Mew then left to tell the servants to serve their lunch, then went to his son's room and saw him sleeping peacefully, Mew then pecked his fore head and left his room, by the time he returned to his room, the servants had already served their lunch.

"Someone doesn't seem really hungry, why haven't you started eating" Mew asked

" know I love it when we eat together, I decided to wait for you and now you are here let's dig in because I'm starving" said Gulf which made Mew chuckle then joined in eating.

Few minutes later, the servants came to clean up after they finished eating, Gulf then requested Mew to cuddle him...they both then slept off.


It was almost evening when Gulf woke up, Mew was still sleeping...he looked stressed out so Gulf quietly got up from the bed and went out in order to check on their son and to get some fresh air outside.

Just as he was walking to Gabby's room,he saw him playing with a friend of his named Leo and went over there.

"Hi baby, I can see you're enjoying yourself with your friend and how're you Leo" Gulf asked merrily

"Yes I'm enjoying don't need to check up on me because I'm a big boy now" Gabby said while pouting which made Gulf laugh

"Good evening, mummy Gulf..I'm fine"Leo bowed politely

"Leo I have told you before, stop bowing to me okay, you're just like a son to me" Gulf said and pecked the boy's forehead

"Ok boys, I will leave you guys to continue playing, well have you both eaten or do you need anything?" Gulf asked them

"Yes mama, the servants are about bringing the snacks and drinks I asked for us" Gabby replied, just then the servants showed up with their order.

"Ok baby boys, I'm going now...enjoy your fun" Gulf said then walked pass to go to his garden, he wanted to relax and enjoy the evening breeze.

When Gulf entered into the garden, he saw the Queen there and respectfully went to greet her.

"Good even my Queen, how are you?...can see you are enjoying the evening breeze" Gulf said trying to lighten up the tension between them, he has always wanted to get close to Mew's parents but they didn't like him at all.

The Queen didn't bother to reply to whatever Gulf said and just went straight to the reason she came to the garden because she knows Gulf frequently comes to the garden in the evening.

"I saw the Royal Physician earlier and he told me that you're pregnant, is that true?" the Queen asked coldly

"Yes m-my Queen, I'm P-Pregnant" Gulf replied hesitantly because he knows that Mew's parents were not going to be happy at all about the news

"How far have you took in" the Queen asked
"Two weeks my Queen" Gulf answered

"You want my husband and I to accept you as Mew's wife right?" the Queen asked which suddenly surprised Gulf

"Yes..Yes my Queen" Gulf replied, he was been seeking parent's love from Mew's parents for a long time now, he hasn't felt it for a long time now because he has been an orphan since 20 and he is 24 years now.

The Queen then smirked "Get rid of that child in you and never tell Mew what I said now, make it look like an accident" said the Queen looking at a frozen Gulf

'She wants me to a-abort my child, Mew's child??..what is wrong with Mew's parents,her own son's child, does she hate me this much, to abort my baby for their acceptance?' Gulf asks himself in shock

"A-abort my c-child??? Queen with all due respect, I will never abort my child, Mew's seed...his your son's child so why on earth will I ever do that" Gulf asked still in shock

"Ohh shut up Gulf!!, you know we never wanted you for our son, you orphan!...Mew was going to marry Prince Song who is Royalty and perfect for him, he should be the one conceiving his children but you spoilt everything making him marry you, a nobody,as if giving birth to Gabby wasn't you're pregnant again..are you trying to give birth to more children for him you stupid whore.." Gulf then cut the Queen off

"My Queen!!!!..I never whored myself to Mew or anyone" Gulf shouted in shock and pain at the Queen calling him a whore, he might have been poor but he never slept with any other man,Mew was his first and is going to be his last.

"Ohh keep your pretense for Mew, you think I don't know commoners like you!?...why else would a Prince not want to marry from a respectable family, you must have seduced him because you wanted a life of luxury...that was also why you also conceived early with Gabby, so no one will take your place,now you're with a second child, you really are pathetic, wouldn't even accept someone like you here as a servant, make sure you keep this child but that is if you can because I'm not sure about a third..Mew might not keep you till the third offspring" the Queen abruptly left leaving Gulf there with tears staining his beautiful face, thinking about his unfortunate life but he trusted Mew, he knew Mew would never hurt him....he thought Mew would never hurt him,only if he knew the future!!

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