Chapter 19

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It's been a week since Gulf came back to the Palace after childbirth, Mew never visited and weirdly Mew never asked for Gulf's presence.

Gulf's heart aches whenever he recalls how Mew wanted to kill their baby but he immediately lets go of the thought as he doesn't want to believe and accept that Mew has really changed.

He just finished breastfeeding his baby when a knock was heard, it couldn't be Gabby because he would be studying by this time so he wondered who was knocking...he carefully kept Ava on the bed and dressed up well before opening the door only to behold the man that still makes his heart beat very fast...Mew

They were still staring at each other before Mew broke the awkward atmosphere by clearing his throat which also brought Gulf out of his trance

"Won't you allow me to come inside?" asked Mew

"I'm sorry, come in" Gulf then gave space for him to enter the room

Mew's eyes immediately caught the sight of the little girl child lying on the bed and looking into space, Mew's eyebrows twitched and his heart skipped a beat looking at the little creature but he dismissed the feeling almost immediately.

"Leave this Kimgdom" Mew suddenly said

"Huh??" Gulf asked confusedly,he didn't grasp what Mew said

"My engagement is in two weeks time, I do not want to make Prince Song uncomfortable seeing your presence still in the palace and also because the sight of you disgusts me so now I am telling you to leave the Kingdom and never come back. I am cutting off all ties that still binds you to me and that includes Gabriel" Mew narrowed his eyes dangerously at the last sentence while Gulf was left bewildered..

"I don't understand you Mew, you're asking me to leave my son???...Mew I know you hate me now and I have come to accept it because no matter how I tell you that I didn't commit any of those crimes you would still never believe me...but please Mew do not involve my son in know fully well that Gabby is my life and I can never leave him..have you thought of how he would feel??...I am sorry but if you want me out of your life completely you have to give me my son and I promise you will never see us again" Gulf said bravely despite the pain in his heart

Mew suddenly started laughing...of course there was mockery in the laughter

"Sorry did I hear you well?? *chuckles* Have you looked at yourself properly huhh?? I am the King of this Kingdom and you are nothing but a mere peasant..I gave you a life of luxury and I can take it back, well I have taken it already...Gabriel is my son and my heir, I created him!! just carried him for nine months, you were just my baby carrier so don't think yourself as something just because you gave birth to him. I didn't ask for your opinion in this because obviously your opinion doesn't even matter, I have said my decision and that is for you to leave this Kingdom tomorrow's night with that child of yours, you two should never been seen in this Kingdom or dire consequences will await you if ever you're seen here again..." Gulf then cut Mew off

"I don't care what you do Mew but I am not leaving my son here, I can't leave my Gabby, never..." Gulf said as tears started brimming in his eyes 'how can I leave my Gabby here, my son and never see him again, why is Mew this heartless? Why is the Heavens punishing me? Where would I go to with my one week old daughter? At least if Gabby comes with us I would still feel complete just as far as my children are with me..I can't leave my child no matter what' thought Gulf with his tears already trickling down his face

"You really dare to disobey me...If I come back here tomorrow's night and still find you here then do not blame me for what would happen" Mew then smirked and left

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