New chapter in life.

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Mila's POV

Never been on a boat before, surprisingly I'm taking it quite well and- wait OMG NO WAY! Doing the nasty? Come on people have mercy keep your pants up at least for an hour! *Rolls eyes* Where did I put my phone, I could swear I had it in my pocket 5 minutes ago.Oh! There it is! *Picks it up* I wonder when we're arriving, I'm tired of all this traveling, I hope it's worth- *DISEMBARKING!*

5 minutes later...

Ah well I better call Roman, I have a lot of luggage, and I'm tired...
*Dialling Roman..*
Roman! What's up! Listen I have arrived, just disembarked from the ship, wanted to let u know, If you could send me a cab or come pick me up.

-Sure Mila, no problem! I will come with my cousin, be there in 10 minutes!

Okay, great! See you then.

10 minutes later..

M: Ah, Roman, so good finally seeing you after a long time. *Hugs* Oh and this is...?

R: Oh that's my cousin, Niko, he came here recently.

M: Nice to meet you Niko, I'm Mila Romanov. *Shake hands*

N: Nice to meet you too Mila, it's a lovely name. *smiles *

M: Ah thank you, yours isn't bad either. *Winks*

N:*Laughs* Thanks! We should get going, I can see you're tired.

M: Oh I'm dead honestly, I think I could sleep for days.

*Gets into the car and Niko starts driving*

*Thinking to self*
Oh wow, he's hotter than I expected, and the way he's driving makes him 5 times hotter!
OMG am I really simping over a guy I met 5 minutes ago? Damn Mila chill you thirsty af!
*Snaps out of it to Roman talking about Vlad*

M: Roman? Are you talking about Vlad Glebov? That Russian idiot who thinks everyone should bow before him? What did he do now? Tell me!

R: N-no it's not like that Mila, you see we should forget-

M: Enough! There's no forgetting that ugly face anyways. But you gotta tell me what did he do now?

R: Mila it's okay, calm down you just got here, besides he's dangerous man, we could get ourselves in danger!

M: Stop whining Roman! I'm not afraid of some fat Russian mob. Did you already forget our roots, yours, mine?! We're Serbian dammit, we're used to worse! Am I right Niko?

N: I totally agree with Mila, it feels almost like she's related to me and not you Roman *laughs*

R: Oh just you laugh Niko, I'm serious let's just mind our own business and-

N: That's it Roman, this conversation is over, let Mila do her thing.

R: Fine..

Sometime later...

R: We're here, this will be your apartment, Niko's just down the street. If you need anything just call.

*Roman leaves*

N: Well you want me to show you the apartment or?

-It's okay, I'll survive *laugs*

N: *smiles and looks away* Okay then, I gotta go, Dovidjenja!

-Zdravo! *Laugs and gets inside*

The next day..

Oh wow I slept so good, that's a surprise, maybe it's just because I was exhausted, who knows. Should I call Roman or should I go alone... Hmm.... Nah, I'm going alone, knowing Roman he'll get scared and try to convince me to go back.

*Goes outside and starts the car which probably Niko left.*

Taj drkadzija je gotov! He'll regret being born!

5 minutes later in The Comrades bar...

Vlad! Come out you fat fuck! You don't stand a chance, make it easier for yourself.
*Vlad starts running and I go after him hopping into my car and following him*

V: You'll never catch me!

M: Oh I doubt that, look over to your right. *smirks*

V: oh sh-
*Mila starts ramming Vlad's car with hers causing his car to turn over*

M: Told you I doubt that, you were messing with a professional *laughs*

V: Fuck you! My men will come and find you, and you'll be dead!

M: Well obviously not before you. *Laughs and takes out a gun pointing at Vlad's head*

V:No! You can't-
*Mila pulls the trigger and kills Vlad*

Well one less fat mob *smirks and goes back to her car*

I should probably let Niko know about this...
*Dialling Niko..*

Yo Niko! I just freed us from that fat ugly fuck Vlad, we won't be seeing that ugly face anytime soon! *Starts laughing*

-You did a good thing, I'll call Roman and let him know. *Laughs*

Okay Niko, take care!

-You too

*5 days later....*

*Dialling Roman...*
Roman! It's Mila, what's up?

-*whispering* Mila, I've been kidnapped! I told you that was a bad idea! Now we have a whole gang against us!

Calm down Roman, I'll be there soon.
*Hangs up*

*15 minutes later*

Roman? Roman where are you?

*Loud banging from the trunk*

Oh. Roman!
*Opening the trunk and untying him*

-I told you this was a bad idea! Sometimes you remind me of Niko, you two are stubborn as fuck!

Well what can I say, I don't like being someone's doll, I'm an independent woman! And I won't bow to some fat mob like Vlad was.

-I know, I know but still!

I'm sorry Roman, but someone had to do it.

-Its okay Mila, after all you just saved our lives! Anyways, I'll be going now, Mallorie is probably worried.

*Roman leaves*

*Phone ringing*

-Do you have any idea what you just did?

And this is..?

-You know me, Mila.. You know me very well.


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