his second

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"Adella. Fuck, Adella. I didn't know Caiden's taken up streaming. I'm guessing it was during this month and a half that he did. He's a good kid. He's like you in so many ways. I'm watching his stream right now, and when I heard your voice make a joke it honest to fucking God shook me to my core.

"Sorry for taking a few days to respond. It's difficult. All of it. Don't encourage it, that need for me to see your face. The amount of times I've gotten into the car just to sit there, trying to decide if it's smart. Obviously, I always decide against it.

"Fuck. I completely understand your thing with the laugh. Every time Caiden makes you laugh my heart drops. You don't understand how much I've missed your laugh. The occasional snort when I make you laugh too hard. It was only ever me who was able to get a snort out of you. My biggest accomplishment to this day.

"Goodnight, Adella. I know you're gonna listen to this after the stream. And I want you to sleep well, even if you fall asleep at 4 or 5 in the morning. I can only imagine how much more difficult it's been for you to sleep, you weren't even very good with sleep while we were together."

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