Chapter 14- new start

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Ashleys pov:
Today me and Jc (my future husband eeeee) are going to the house. yesterday we packed everything so today we are moving everything in. Our room is huge it has a pool in the middle of the room. on one side of the pool is a couch type thing an on the other side is our water bed. Over the pool is a swing type thing. (picture above) Don't worry we cover the pool before we go to sleep. We have three gigantic living rooms, four bathrooms, five bedrooms, and two dining rooms, and a giant pool I. Our backyard. We are living together and getting married. This is unreal but he makes my CLOUDY SKIES clear.
A/N sorry guys I didn't do four more chapters but this is the end so stay beautiful and i love you all. I'm also going to be writing another fanfiction comment below who you guys want the fanfiction to be about ❤️❤️ stay beautiful and stay cloudy ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️

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