Day 3 - Home

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Roommates Au ❌
Childhood Friends ✅
Hurt/Comfort ✅

Bonus - Royal Au ✅

Birds we're chirping, the sun was peaking through the window, creeping onto the bed where the blankets were empty. Small, broken sobs filled the room.

A knock at the door.

Shirabu's head snapped in its direction and he cleaned his face with the sleeve of his shirt.

"You may enter..."

The door creaked open and Semi poked his head out from behind it.

Earlier that morning Tendou had been bugging Semi about some gossip he heard from one of the servants.


"Semi-Semi did you hear?!"

Semi was getting real annoyed, "Tendou I really don't care about the gossip in the castle so please stop trying to rope me in. Especially since I know it's about the Royal family."

"So you did hear.", Tendou pressed further.

He sighed. Semi had heard about Shirabu's supposed engagement to someone from Fukurodani. Duke Konoha apparently. Shirabu was furious and had an argument with his father. The older Prince, Ushijima, had to calm him both down and tried to reasoning with the King.

Semi remembers when Shirabu had told him he'd never marry someone he didn't know and how he'd kill someone if they tried to make him marry a stranger.


Now here he was holding onto Semi like his life depended on it, sobbing into his shoulder.

All Semi could do was hold his friend close an watch him cry.

He wishes he could do more to comfort him. Wishes he could say something that would put Shirabu at ease.

Sadly he couldn't...

"Semi...", his friend spoke in almost a whisper.

He sat up and looked at Semi with teary red eyes. "Semi I know this is going to be an impossible favor but..."

"Semi I need you to marry me"

A/N: Andddd I'll leave the rest to your imaginations. Who knows maybe I'll finish this idea for my free prompt

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