Day 1 - Firsts

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First Kiss ✅
Confessions Au ❌
College Au ✅

Bonus - Time Skip Au ❌

It was just a normal day for the two boys. Well...almost normal, Shirabu was swamped with studying for a big final exam coming up.

Semi was currently on the train to his boyfriend's college. He himself had had his hands tied with band practice and studying. This weekend was set up a few weeks ago when one of Semi's bandmates suggested a mini-break for them.

But since Shirabu was so busy reviewing his notes, he completely forgot about Semi visiting for the weekend!

Shirabu has been distracted in finishing up his medical review book, so he hadn't had time to cook. Instead, he just ordered a pizza and continued to bury himself in his studies. 

Later there was a knock on the door. Assuming it was the pizza Shirabu walked over and threw on one of Semi's baggy shirts since he was getting a bit cold.

There an behold was Semi at his door with flowers! Semi's eyes scanned his body and had the biggest grin on his face upon seeing Shirabu in his shirt.

"Well isn't this adorable of you. Wearing one of my shirts when I'm coming over huh?~" Shirabu just blushed and said, "W...What are you doing here-", while covering his face and avoiding eye contact.

"What am I doing here? Please tell me you didn't forget about this cause that would be awkward-"

"Forgot? Me? Psh no- I didn't forget about this-", Shirabu laughed out awkwardly.

Semi just chuckled and pulled Shirabu into a hug. "You forgot didn't you?"

Shirabu held onto Semi, possibly hugging tighter. "Yeah...sorry."

"It's fine lets' just go inside, sit and watch something on the couch, maybe give me a kiss and I'll consider forgiving you.", Semi spoke while grinning.

Shirabu pouted but let Semi in, both made their way to the couch after the door closed.

Semi sat on the couch while Shirabu grabbed a vase to put the flowers inside of.

Sometime passed and both talked and caught up with each others life's, Shirabu's review book long forgotten by then.

While Shirabu was ranting to Semi about some douche in his med class, Semi was watching his boyfriends lips.

To Semi they looked soft as ever. Slightly leaning into Shirabu, Semi looked his boyfriend in the eyes.

Shirabu made eye contact with Semi and leaned into him.

Both leaning in, their lips ghosting over eachother, they would've kissed if someone hadn't knocked on the door that is.

Shirabu quickly pulled back and went to get the door, still flustered after the previous event.

While Shirabu was at the door, Semi thought about how it was similar to their first kiss.

It was after a 2v2 practice match. Semi & Tendou vs. Shirabu and Goshiki. Goshiki had been more hyper than usual which riled up Tendou a lot. Shirabu had done a setter dump that had Tendou rush for it. Tendou reached and made the ball go up and when it reached Semi,  he decided to setter dump them back. Shirabu couldn't get it resulting in Semi & Tendou's win.

Shirabu looked pissed when they were cleaning up but Tendou bounced around him saying, "Come onnn you lost the bet now go do it!"

Semi could've cared less, unfortunately he couldn't since Shirabu went up to him and quietly said, "Semi-San...I need you to come with me..."

They went to the storage room where Shirabu had a very heart felt confession to which Semi shut him up by kissing him softly. It would've been longer if Goshiki hadn't freaked when Tendou covered his eyes after walking in on them.

Things went smoothly afterwards for them. They didn't argue as often anymore and actually everyone started getting along better.

Semi smiled at the memory and watched Shirabu sit back down with pizza he put on the little coffee table.

Semi was gonna ask if they should watch a movie but Shirabu cut him off with a kiss.

"To make up for the interruption."

Semi pulled him into a hug and both lay there on the couch content with eachother wanting to moment to last forever.

Semishira Week 2020Where stories live. Discover now