Chapter 29: Without Me

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Ash's POV*

I walked down the pathway as I walked towards the studio; I opened one of the doors, seeing Reggie and Alex on their instruments, just messing around since Luke's not here. "Hey, Ash." Alex greeted as he and Reggie stopped playing; Alex started spinning one of his drumsticks in his fingers.

"Hey." I responded as I leaned up against the studio door. "Alex, you mind if I borrow Reggie for a while?" I asked Alex as he just shrugged.

"He's all yours. We were gonna take a break, anyway. I'm gonna go try and find Willie; I need to talk to him about...something." Alex then said to me as I just nodded; he stood up before poofing away.

"So, Ash. What's up?" Reggie then asked me as he took off his guitar, putting it on a guitar stand.

"Well, I have this song that I started a while ago, but stopped due to a writer's block. Wanna help me finally finish it?" I asked Reggie as he smiled, walking up to me.

"Yea. Yea seems fun." Reggie said to me as I nodded; I walked over to my guitars in the studio as I grabbed my acoustic guitar. 

"I forgot you played acoustic, too

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"I forgot you played acoustic, too. I've always seen you with electric." Reggie commented as I looked at him, putting on the guitar strap as I swung the guitar onto my back.

"Yea, I don't play it that often." I told him, shrugging as we walked out of the studio, heading towards the house.

" was school?" Reggie then asked me as I let out a laugh, looking at him, smiling.

"It was...interesting." I told him as we walked through the back gate.

"How so?" he asked as we walked up to the house.

"Well...Ethan asked me out." I said as Reggie just looked at me, definitely not looking amused right now. 

"And what did you say?" Reggie then asked me as we walked inside, seeing Carlos and Ray in the kitchen, making something.

"What are you two doing?" I questioned the two boys from in front of the door as they both looked up at me.

"We're making French dip so the chef ghost haunting our house will leave." Carlos told me as I just looked at him.

"Ok." I told him as I walked upstairs, Reggie following me.

"What did you say to Ethan?" Reggie then asked me again as I looked at him; I could see that he did not like the news of Ethan asking me out since his fists were clenched at his sides. 

"Is someone jealous Ashley Bennett got asked out on a date?" I questioned Reggie, smirking as we walked into my bedroom. 

"Jealous? What? No." Reggie told me as I looked at him, definitely not believing him; I closed my bedroom door as I looked at him, amused. 

The Lead Guitarist //Reggie PetersWhere stories live. Discover now