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"what the hell are we supposed to do now?" I ask no one in particular, walking aimlessly around the dark room.

"I don't know, maybe this is it?" Luke glances up at me from where he is sitting on the floor.

"this can't be it. there's gotta be more." i respond, as my aimless walking slowly turns into an anxious pacing.

"how would we know? none of us have ever been dead before." reggie adds and i roll my eyes. i glance over at alex sitting a few feet away from us. he had is knees pulled up to his chin and was hugging his legs. he wasn't sobbing, but he was clearly distraught and there were tears in his eyes.

before anyone could respond, the ground below us started shaking. i instinctively reach for luke, gripping his arm tight as we begin to fall. suddenly we all crashed on to the ground, groaning in pain. i use luke to balance myself as i rise to my feet.

"woah, how did we get back here?" luke asks, all of us glancing around our old studio.

an earsplitting scream draws all of our attentions to a girl standing in front of our couch with a terrified look on her face. we all start screaming in response, and i grab luke to push him in front of me as we all huddle together.

the girl runs out of the garage and we continue to hear her screams all the way into the house.

"seriously though, how did we get back here?" alex repeats luke's question.

no one answers, seeing as none of us have a clue what's going on. i noticed my hands still clung to luke's arm when he started to move around the room. instead of letting go i just move with him, making him crack a small smile. reggie was already climbing up to the loft, followed closely by alex.

"hey, all our instruments are up here." alex shouts down. luke and I both race up to the loft to see what else is up there. as we're all looking around, the girl from before was slowly walking through the studio, a small wooden cross held in her out stretched hands.

"are you still here, whatever you are?" she asks hesitantly as we all peer over the balcony at her. "i know i saw something. i'm not crazy."

"well we're all a little crazy." luke jokes, poofing the four of us down behind her. she spins around and starts screaming again.

"oh my- please stop screaming!" alex shouts over her. she shuts her mouth abruptly and we all relax slightly at the silence.

"who are you and what are you doing in my moms studio?" she demands, still holding the cross up to us.

"your moms studio?" luke laughs.

"this is our studio." i finish his thought. luke takes a few steps around the room and she pushes the cross in his direction.

"trust me! fine, the grand piano is new. a-and my couch!" luke jumps onto the couch, bouncing slightly due to the pillows.

wait, those aren't our pillows.

we all slowly start to look closer at the room, suddenly noticing all the changes that had been made to the studio.

"but that is definitely not my six-string." luke adds quietly, standing up and making his way towards us. "can you give me just one second, just give me a second, thank you."

he pulls the four of us a few feet further from the girl and turns toward the door.

"guys, what is going on? how did she get her stuff in here to fast?" luke whisper-screams.

"maybe! maybe she's a witch!" reggie suggests. "there's chairs floating on the ceiling."

"okay, there is no such thing as witches." alex states.

Defenceless - jatp/reggieWhere stories live. Discover now