She stands and approaches me. Her eyes going over every inch of visible skin. Her hands reach out to touch what she sees. Her fingers tracing tattoos, only heard about. As her eyes never leave me, mine never leave her. I'm checking on every twitch, lingered stare, and quirk. From either her eyes or her mouth. I'm taking her in as she takes me in.

"I believe I said all of you." Her eyes giving me the look I've only imagined. I can't stop the half smirk from forming.

"You know it's not fair,"lowering my timbre, I invade her space. 

She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, closing her eyes briefly. Raising an eyebrow when she opens her eyes."What's not fair?" she asks tracing my abs.

"You're still fully dressed," I answer dropping my hands and stepping back. Her upper body follows me slightly. Raising my arms, and placing my hands together, interlocking my finger. 

Her fingertips trail up my sternum, to me neck. Following an intricate design on my upper left torso, of her name and the day we got married. She leans forward to place a kiss on the date, just shy of my breast. She pulls back and looks up at me. "There is something that I've always wanted to do," she turns slightly, giving this purely bashful look. 

Grabbing one of her hands, I pull her to me. "What's that babe?"

Her other hand comes back down as she leans in taking my bottom lip between her teeth. Biting down sharp enough to draw blood then sucking it just as harshly. Smearing my blood. "Netflix and chill."

I nod my head in understanding. I know most of you must be thinking that this is such a simple act for someone who has just been given her sight back after centuries. I understand some of you may think that she should be out seeing the town and the people. Watching sunsets. But this, this is why I love Kaira. She wants this time with me. The time to process the whole process. She needs it just she and I. And I'll give her that to the fullest. 

"Can I get dressed?" I ask. "I'll text Kay and let her know not today."

Reaching up and wrapping her arms around my shoulders, she nods her head. I feel her lashes gently moving against the skin of my neck. Her breath fans my throat. Encircling her waist, I kiss the side of her head. I love this woman so fucking much man. 

"You get the snacks," I say, kissing the tip of her nose. "And pick the first movie."

I turn on my heels and pick up my shorts, pulling out my phone.I send a quick text to Kay letting her know I really can't do practice today and that I'll explain tomorrow. I feel Kaira's eyes on me. I smile outright since my back is to her. Dropping my pants back on the floor, along with my underwear, I sprint up the stairs. Going straight into the bathroom, I cut the shower on and pull off my sports bra, before hopping in. 

Fuck. Didn't let the water heat up.

The breeze from the door, tells me, Kaira has entered. The shower door opens, fingers following the path of water down my back. Turning my head to look over my shoulder at her, I find her eyes on m, her lips forming the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen on her beautiful face. 

"Did you come to shower or admire?" I ask.

Looking up at me through her lashes, her smile grows. "Both."

Going through our typical shower routine proved to be harder this morning. Kaira constantly taking in and touching every aspect of me. My trying to keep my temporarily permanent addition hidden away or covered.

"Let me see," Kaira exclaims.

"Woman," I say running around the bathroom, "this is not show and tell." Laughing at her antics, I dip out into the bedroom, scurrying around for a pair of sweats. Realizing my wife isn't behind me, I throw on a sports bra and return to the bathroom to find her standing naked in front of the mirror. I lean against he doorframe to watch her turn this way and that way. She steps back and places her hands on her stomach.

"That's the second reason why I wanted this," she tells me. "I want to be able to see her child."

Pushing off the door I step up behind her and place my hands on top of hers. "What's the first reason?"

Her eyes meet mine in the mirror. "To see you."

Leaning down I kiss her forehead, then the tip of her nose, and finally her lips. "Come on cheeseball, lets go chill."

And that's exactly how we spent the day. Just chilling. We did everything from watching movies to playing video games. Cooking weird and extravagant shit. We are currently in a wicked game of twister, when I start hearing Know My Rights by 6lack. 

"Your 'maker' is here," Kaira says.

Kissing her lips. "Ssshhhh, don't let her hear you say that."

Footsteps approach our front door. Untwisting myself, I head to the door. Opening it just as a fist descends. Ducking low I bring my right arm up, while pushing off with my left hand palm out. My wrist protests the impact of hitting a solid wall. An immovable force.

"Woah puppy!!!." Smiling gold eyes. "I see training with Kay is paying off." 

"Exactly how I pictured," Kaira's voice suddenly sounds. Her eyes are trained on Adit.

"Ah, Iwazaru (Artist formerly known as Mizaru)," Adit chimes with a smile. "You wound me but good to know you pictured me."

"I don't think Aja smacked you hard enough," I say to Adit.

Her eyebrow hikes up as she raises her hand to rub the side of head. Grimacing a little.

"Any particular reason you're here Adit?" Kaira asks.

Adit's shining eyes turn to her. "I think I liked you better blind," she says reaching out thumping Kaira on the nose. "But yes, people were worried when neither of you showed up today for any activities or meals."

"We are fine. Just wanted to spend the day inside," Kaira replies. "Would you like to come in?"

"Finally some manners. But no I'm afraid I can't stay." Adit says smirking. "I'll let everyone know you two are alive and well. Until next time insightful wonder. Puppy."

Watching Adit return to her car, I can't help but to shake my head. She is an enigma if I've ever met one.  "Of all the things that could have created us, we get Adit."

"Could be worse." Kaira says giggling next to me. "She really is how I pictured her."

"You not going to develop a crush on her or anything are you?" I look down into her eyes. There is a brief emotion there. If I'd blinked I would've missed it. "You already have a crush on her." Statement not question. I don't know how to feel right now.

"No, no, not a crush like that. And definitely not based on her looks," she begins to explain. "She and I have talked about it."

Turning away from the door and walking into living room. Yes I am in my feelings right now. I hear Kaira close the door and enter the room. I'm petty and refuse to acknowledge her.

"Love," she says coming to sit by me. "Didn't we talk about this?" I just look at her. "I'm attracted to the parts of her that are in you. I don't want to get with her or anything like that."

"But you talked to her about this?"

"Actually, she called me out on it," she answers. "It was when she first brought me here. I was wondering why I felt so comfortable around her. And I told her so. Look at me love, please."

I raise my head and do as requested.

"It honestly isn't a sexual attraction. And she understood that. Her explanation was what I told you. I see a lot of you when I deal with Adit."

I take in everything that she has said. I still can't help but to feel some type of way but I do trust Kaira and I trust Adit. But I'm a possessive person and Kaira is mine.

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