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June 11, 1986. Las Vegas, Nevada

After the show ended the band and Cassie went to a usual post-performance party. The get-together was being held in a nice suite located in the same hotel the band would be staying in that night.
Lars was buttering up some girl like always. James was filling his guts with as much alcohol as possible. Cliff was talking to some guys from Anthrax. Cassie was searching for Kirk and it would only be a matter of time before she found his location.
The anxiety and alcohol mixed together made her head spin as she searched for her lover.
She walked out of the suite onto a long balcony that overlooked the bright city of Vegas.
The stars were barely visible. Traveling the country and seeing how everything was so different still blew her mind. At her home in Alabama the stars shined every night.
The air was more humid in Nevada than Texas, which is saying quite a bit.
She walked along the balcony to see if Kirk had come out for some fresh air, even though it wasn't fresh at all.
There he was, sitting in a chair with a woman on his lap. She was tall, or at least that's what Cassie thought. Big, blonde, poofy hair clung to her head with dear life, as if one more spritz of hairspray would send her hair crumbling away. Her outfit was definitely too skimpy. As she sat there, she ran her fingers through his curly hair.
The skimpy outfit wasn't the worst part. The fact that she was sitting practically on his crotch wasn't the worst part. Or even the fact that she was doing this on purpose, wasn't the worst part.
The worst part was that he was enjoying it. Even if he wasn't kissing her or touching her inappropriately. He still enjoyed it.
His iconic sweet smile stained his face. The one you could see in the deep abyss of the ocean, or in the darkest room on Earth.
That damned smile.
It gave everything away.
Cassie was stunned. Unsure if she should march over to the woman and pull her off, or to yell at Kirk and ask him to explain whatever the hell was going on.
She stood there for a moment or two longer, somewhat hoping he would notice and push the lady off of him and run after her. Even if he did Cassie would not stay long enough for him to get to her, she would run. Run until she couldn't anymore.
That's exactly what she did. She turned and ran back along the balcony, through the open glass door, and almost made it to the front door before she was stopped.
It was Cliff, he grabbed her shoulder and turned her around.
“Where the hell are you going?”
Tears began to roll down her face, harder than the previous day she had talked to him about her issues.
“Hey, hey, what's wrong?”
“He, he.” The words couldn't leave her mouth, the tears were too powerful.
Cliff took her hand and led her to a bathroom.
“Calm down Cassie. Everything's fine.”
She forcefully shook her head no. Minutes later she managed to slow the tears enough for her to speak.
“I was looking for Kirk, so I went outside, and he, he was sitting there with this, this girl on him.”
Concern grew onto Cliff's face.
“Was he, you know, kissing her or something?”
“No, but he enjoyed her being there. I could tell.”
“He wasn't technically cheating Cassie.”
“I know but that's besides the point. That wasn't right. He should have got her off. He should have been with me.”
Cliff bit the inside of his bottom lip and slowly shook his head in approval.
“You're right.”
Tears started to flow hard, “I can't do it Cliff. I can't.”
He took her into a hug, her tears seeping through his shirt.
“You know you have to, you'll figure it out. I know you will.”
She did know what she had to do. This was the last straw. Cassie couldn't take it any longer.

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