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Bang. Bang. Bang.


Melissas voice echoed through Cassies brain.

"Huh?" Cassie slurred to herself.

She slipped out of bed and answered the door.

Melissa looked pissed. She pushed past Cassie as she entered the house.

"Why haven't you been answering!? You worried the shit out of me!"

Cassie rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Sorry. . . I was sleeping. . . as you can see."

Melissa rubbed her friends shoulders. "I am sorry. I wasn't thinking about that or anything else to be honest. The only thought I had was that you may have hurt yourself or something. . . you know?" she said with a grimace.

Cassie huffed, "I wouldn't do that. I have much to think about besides deciding how I want to kill myself."

"Whatever. Let's sit.

How was the wake-funeral-thing?"

"Um. Good actually. The man who spoke was interesting. He didn't make it sad. . . it was a celebration.

I needed that. . .

We all needed that."

"I'm glad to hear that. I am so so sorry that I couldn't make it. I trie-."

"It's fine Melissa. I know."

A moment of silence fell over them. 


where's Kirk?"

"He went out with his friends. I don't know if he's coming back tonight or not."

Melissa nodded, "has it been strange having him around?"

"I try to not think of him as an ex. I only think of him as Kirk; just the guy I met when I moved out here. If I think too long about our relationship I get anxious and, ugh. It's just too much right now."

Melissa caressed Cassies hand with her thumb.

"Have you decided what you are gonna do about that?" she asked while pointing at Cassies stomach.


I've been pushing it off. . . but I'm not sure how much longer I can do that. Kirk is starting to notice my habits and ask too many questions.

I haven't even told my mom or dad. The only thing my mom knows is that Cliff is dead and we put him to rest today."

Cassies worry began to come out in tears.

"Just know that everything is up to you. Do not let anyone tell you what you need to do. Okay? Promise me you won't be pushed around? Not by Kirk, your mom, or anyone else."

"I won't."

Melissa wiped Cassies tears off her face.

"I love you Cas. I'm here for everything."

Cassie embraced her friend.

"Thank you."

Cassie raised her head to face Melissa. 


will you stay with me tonight?

I'm not ready to be alone."

She nodded and looked around the house.

"Can I open up the curtains? You don't need to be laying around in the dark. It's not gonna help anything."

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