Chapter 4:Blonde jerk

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I set my bag down and smiled.I hope today is as great as yesterday.Gran walked in and smiled at me,"Your excited for another day aren't you","Of course, there are so many cool quirks, all around us",she chuckles and goes back to her computer.It was now lunch time and Gran went to go get coffee.I took out my lunch and water,I started eating until I heard an alarm go off.When I went to go to the  hallway it was crowded with student's. I than heard shouting,"DON'T WORRY,ITS A FALSE ALARM".That's a relief,the crowd started to calm down and started making there ways to their classrooms. I hope no one was injured.

Few moments later

A few students came by for injuries from the incident but nothing really major.

"Have a good rest of the day"

They thanked me and left,now back to studying stitches. I sat down and started reading.Some were really simple to make and a few seemed a little challenging. The door slammed open,"OI,IS ANYONE HERE".I looked up to see a spiky haired blonde,"I'm here, recovery girl isn't here right now but I can help you","Whatever".I got up and told him to sit on the bed,he obeyed and sat down.

"So what seems to be the problem"

"My hand has a few scratches"

He lifted up his hand to show me,I nodded.

"This will take a few seconds"

I put my hand over it and my hand started to glow,than the scratches were gone.

"There all better"

"Tch, whatever"

He got up and pushed me aside and started walking away.My hair unbraided itself and wrapped itself around him.


"It's my hair,now say the magic words"

"I'm not telling you anything"

I gave him a stern look as he continued struggling.

"Okay fine,....thank you"

"I can't hear you"


"That wasn't so hard now was it"

My hair than unwrapped him and went back to a braid. He than glares at me and stomps off. What a jerk but I have a feeling it won't be the last I see of him. Granny than enters the room with a smile.

"I have some news for you"

"What is it granny"?

"Your going with class 1A to the USJ"

I smiled widely,"Really"!

"Yes,I think it will get you prepared for working on the field"

I run to her and hugged her,"Thanks granny"

"Oh and I have something else for you"

I let go of her and look at her confused.

"It's a................"

The healer (My hero academia various x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon