Chapter 3:Again ?

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Yn POV As we entered the infirmary,I had to take care of Morticia

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As we entered the infirmary,I had to take care of Morticia.I had her in a sling over my shoulder and chest.She was thin so I had to give her a lot of attention,not that I mind.I had a bottle and she was drinking more,which is good.She made a little meow and fell asleep.I smiled softly and sat at the desk with Gran on her computer.She looked at her emails and groaned."Dear,I'll need to go to the lounge real quick","Okay gran".She got up and walked out,I hope I can help her relax a bit more,shes been through a lot of stress lately.The door opened to reveal a boy with pointy ears and another with blonde hair.The blonde boy smiled at me,"Hey,is Recovery girl here","Yes,she needed to go to the lounge to get something.But I could help you".I guide them to the bed,the boy with pointy ears sits and shows me his arm,it looked swollen and bleeding.I hovered my hand over it to stop the bleeding.I than went to the cooler to get a ice pack.I set it on his arm,"That should lower the swelling,leave it for 5 minutes","Ookay thank you","No problem".They exit the infirmary,than gran walks in,"I'm back,now let's get started on your studys","Okay".

Time skip

"How to stop infection"?


Wash the wound right away with soap and water.

Apply a small amount of antibiotic ointment. You can buy this without a prescription.

Cover wounds with a bandage or gauze dressing. Change daily.

Keep the wound clean and dry for the first 24 hours.

Change the bandages daily using sterile gloves."

"Good,how to clean bandages?"

"Most bandages are best cleaned with warm water between 180-140° F but if the bandages are really dirty they may be boil-washed up to 203°F".

"Correct,now last question how do you clean a infected wound"

"You soak the wounded area in warm water or put a warm, wet cloth on the wound for 20 minutes three times a day. Than you use a warm saltwater solution containing 2 teaspoons of table salt per quart of water.This is to remove all the pus and loose scabs."(Thank you Google)

"Correct, good job"

Than the door opened to reveal the green haired boy again.He was really injured and it looks like he fractured some bones.Gran frowns and gets up,I get up as well.She sighs,"You think you could finish the healing","Of course".My hair undid itself and wrapped itself around his body.I than started to sing  and my hair started glowing"

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine

His wounds started healing and my hair stopped glowing.My hair than tied itself to a braid again.I turned to gran,"Hes all healed but his arm will be temporarily disabled,all he needs is rest","Good job".The door opens to reveal a worried Allmight,"Is  young Midoriya okay".Gran huffs,"Hes fine now,you shouldn't pressure the poor boy".I stand next her crossing my arms,"You may have trained him but give him a break".Gran grumbles and goes outside with Allmight to scold him more.I sigh and go over to check on Morticia to see her sound asleep.I grab my hero notebook and favorite pen.

I grab my hero notebook and favorite pen

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I started writing notes on his section.

Gets injured with his quirk.

*needs alot of medical attention*

When I looked up,I saw him conscious and looked at me suprised.

Izuku POV

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a bright light.I slowly sat up to see the girl again.She was writing in her notebook mumbling while biting the inside of her cheek.I looked at her suprised,shes just like me.She kinda looks cute when she mumbles.She looks up and she looked at me suprised but smiled."Glad to see you up,how are you feeling","I'm feeling well,what time is it","Class is almost over you should probably change to your uniform".She helps me sit on the side of the bed."Umm is it okay if I can get your name","Sure,my names Shuzenji (Yn) but please call me (Yn).I gave her a awkward smile,"My names Midoriya Izuku","Nice to meet you Midoriya","nice to meet you too".I glanced at her note book and saw my lastname."You take notes", "Ya,I hope it's not so creepy".I quickly shake my hands,"no,I take notes too","You do that's amazing".She grabs the notebook and writes my name."What is your quirk anyway".I start sweating,"Its super strength",she nods and jotted it down.I said goodbye and she waved goodbye.I left with a smile on my face.


I smiled to myself,"A new friend",I than went over to Morticia who was meowing.

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