"Tubbo- wait no, Toob? What the fuck?" Toob shook his head.

"The lord..." What. The. Fuck. Tubbo- The lord jumped at us, causing me and Tommy to scream at the top of our lungs. We started to run for it. "Mistress, you can't run forever!"

"YES I FUCKING CAN-!" And so, we did. I looked behind me, The lord was right behind us. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit-

"Y/n, up here! Grab my hand!" I looked up and saw Tommy up on a tree. I reached my hand up, and he pulled me up effortlessly with one swift motion. I threw my legs up and around onto the leaves, just barely missing The lord from grabbing my ankle. He started to climb up. "Ok, time to go." Tommy said, we soon started to tree hop. Honestly, I love tree hoping. I feel so free, and I feel like I'm flying! Anyways, enough of that shit, I have a alternate version of Toby to run from!


"NO CLUE." I grabbed the bow and arrow on my back, struggling to grab it and run at the same time. I put the arrow into the bow and drawed back.



"JUMP." Was all I said before I pushed him off the tree and into the lake. I heard his ear-piercing scream as he was quickly shoved. I turned around and aimed, before jumping off and firing an arrow, making The lord lose his balance. I landed in the water, the feeling of numbness tried to overcome me, but I fought it off. I swam up and saw Tommy searching around desperately in his backpack. He eventually pulled out a boat and placed it down for us to use. I climbed in after him in a rush.

"Go, just go." I said, my body not even halfway in the boat. He still continued anyways as I told him to. After a while of just chilling in the boat, we eventually landed on shore. I opened an eye and looked up at the now moonlit sky. I hummed as I watched Tommy get out of the boat. "Where are we?" I said tiredly, yawning a bit at the end of my sentence. I climbed out of the boat and retrieved it, shoving it back into Tommy's backpack. I turned and looked at him. "So...?" He looked at me and shrugged.

"Hell if I know, I just row, row, rowed my boat till I hit shore." I sigh and nodded, sounds like Tommy alright.

"We should find sheep and make us a bed, I don't want to fight a heard of mobs tonight." Tommy nodded and started to walk in a direction, me following behind him. We eventually killed a few sheep's, but we didn't have any tools to get wood. "Guess we got some blankets." I said sarcasticly.

"YEAH FLOOR BUDDIES!" Tommy shouted. Back in Pogtopia, we slept on the floor while Wilbur and Techno slept in the beds they had made. Wilbur tried to get me to take his bed and have him sleep on the floor, but I told him not to worry, because it was my fault that I hadn't craft myself a bed in the first place. Long story short, even though it's not a long story, me and Tommy sleep on the cave floor together, therefor making us floor buddies.

I placed my blanket down and he put his on top of mine. He sat down and I went and retrieved any loose or fallen sticks to create a fire. I came back and took out my flint and steel and lit the fire. I sat down next to Tommy, he was sorting his things since he was bored, and I just stared into the fire. I started to think of what Tubbo said, what if we did commit arson? Would Wilbur approve? I turned and looked at Tommy as he struggled to sort his things in color order. Would Tommy join us? I looked back at the fire. Of course, he would, what would he do if two of his best friends just...left? Best friends...Fundy...Why would he do that? Doesn't he know how important that handmade flag was to me, to us? Maybe he was just blinded by Schlatt's ways.

"Hey, would acacia wood go in front of, or behind terracotta?" Tommy asked me. I looked over at his pile.

"Why the fuck do you have terracotta?" Tommy shrugged. I sighed and laid down, making a loud thud. "Terracotta would go in front of the acacia wood, it's lighter in color." Tommy sighed in annoyance and shoved everything back into his bag, before laying down next to me. He brought the thin wool blanket over us as faced upwards towards the sky with me. "Night."


"I'm bored."


"Want to go stab shit?"

"You bet!" I shot up, throwing the wool blanket over us and onto the grass next to us. I picked up the two pieced of wool and shoved them into Tommy's backpack. I took out a water bucket I had and put the fire out, making sure to keep some of the water and not use all of it. I put the bucket away and took out my ax, man I haven't used this thing in a long while! "Where to first?" I asked. Tommy pointed in front of him, a hoard of mobs was awaiting us. We both ran up to them, swinging out weapons at them. Skeletons clattered into a pile of bones, zombies' blood was shed, creepers gunpowder silently fell into small dust piles onto the grass and spiders hissed out in pain as we stabbed them and scorched their eyes out. We did this all night, and when we saw the sun rising, we picked up our pace. We were desperate to get all of our bottled-up anger out and mob hunting was the best possible way. Once the sun had risen and the mobs slowly started to burn, and spiders slowly became less hostile, we decided to flop down onto the grass.

"That was fun." I nod my head. I sat up along with Tommy. "Hey, I have something to say..." Tommy said standing up and scratching the back of my head.


"Yore ma gearlfwend. And you can't say shit about it"


"What, why?"

"Because I said so."

"Oh." Tommy laughed. "I was joking anyways. I just wanted to see how you'd react since no one has asked you that." He stopped and deadpanned on me. "No one's said that, right?" I shook my head. "Good. Anyways let's get going. Hopefully when we get back, we will have Tubbo back, or Toby, or Toob or...Anything else but The lord." I nod my head again. We looked at out compass and followed the direction it was pointing. I sat in the back of the boat and got comfy. Tommy sat crossed legged up in the front and I wrapped my legs around his torso and placed them on top of his. I sighed and laid my head on his back.

"I'm going to take a nap, wake me when you want to switch." I told Tommy tiredly.

"Good, you looked like you really worked yourself hard while fighting those mobs, you need the rest." I hummed into his back and closed my eyes. The swaying of the boat, the waves in the distance, the paddle on water, and Tommy's soft humming eventually lulled me to sleep.




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