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Y/n's P.O.V.




"Bonk." I hit Tommy on top of his head with the wooden sword. He reached up and held his head in his hands.

"POG CHAMP!" I heard someone yelled from up on the wall. I look up and see Tubbo clapping his hands while Fundy was shaking his head. I turn and see Wilbur watching us from afar, his arms crossed, no emotion on his face. He looks directly at me and I turned away, fear in me.

"Ok, get up Tommy." I reached my hand out as he looked at me, tears in the corners of his eyes. "Best out of 5?" I smiled down at him. He looked at my hand for a moment. He smacked it away and stood up by himself.

"Nah, I'd beat you all of the other 4 times, I'm saving you." He confidently said, walking over to the wooden latter outside of our wall. Once he reached the top, Fundy put a foot on his face and pushed him down the latter. I grabbed a bucket and threw water underneath Tommy, breaking his fall. Tommy sat there laying on his back while the water absorbed into the grass. I walked over and stood over Tommy, Wilbur doing the same. I looked up at Fundy and he shrugged down at me.

"Fundy get down here. You're next up against Y/n." I saw fear run through Fundy's eyes as he tried to run away, only to be pushed down by Tubbo. I caught Fundy and stood him up straight before helping Tommy back up the latter. I hand Fundy the wooden sword and smiled at him. He sighed and took the sword.

"Good luck, you're going to need it." I heard Tommy yell from above.


"Mercy! Mercy!" Fundy yelled at me while blocking with his hands. I stop hitting him and back off. Fundy groaned as he collapsed onto the floor, looking up at the sunset sky. I had been training everyone for the past god knows how long. I sigh and walk away from Fundy and walk over to Wilbur.

"Ok, I'm done..." I say while panting. I collapsed onto the wooden path, hitting my nose. "Ow Ow Ow..." I said while rolling around to hold my nose. Wilbur crouched down with a worried look on his face as I plugged my nose.

"Holy shit, Y/n are you ok?" I shake my head and look Wilbur into his eyes.

"I fucking broke my nose does it look like I'm ok?" Wilbur nodded and stood up.

"Ok, you three. Go home." Wilbur said while motioning for them to go. Everyone hopped down and off of the wall. They were about to crowd around me and ask if I was ok, but Wilbur started to push them away. "No no, Go home right now. She will ok in my care; I know how to handle this type of situation." He said as he forced them up the stairs.


"Tommy, your head is bleeding go home." Once they were out of sight Wilbur came back over to me and picked me up. He started to walk inside the walls of L'manberg. He walked inside his van and then started to walk to his room. He placed me on his bed and told me to wait a minute. I sit there for a moment, plugging my nose tightly. He walks back in the room. "Lay down." I nod.

As I laid down, I saw him start to take off his jacket and his tie. I think of the worst-case scenario and instantly sat up. He looks at me oddly as I sat up, my face clearly red.

"What? I didn't want to get my tie and jacket drenched in blood." I nod and lay back down. Without hesitation, Wilbur pinched my nose and catching me by surprise. I squeal as he sat me up, his hand rested gently on my back. After a while he let go of my nose and placed a hand on my cheek, making me look at him. He smiled at me and got closer to me. I tried to move away, but I couldn't. He stopped, close to my face, before tilting my head downwards and gave me a kiss on the bridge of my nose. I jump backwards and squeal in surprise. He giggled at my action and stood up straight.

"Ok, I'm going to need you to um...Spend the night with Tubbo for today." Wilbur said, scratching the back of his head. I tilt my head at him. "I have a meeting with Dream at 4 in the morning and I don't want him to know that you live with me. He might use that knowledge to his advantage." I nod my head and started to walk out of the van.

"Bye Wil, I'll see you tomorrow!" I smiled at him. He let out a small and nervous laugh before waving at me. I walk down the wooden path and wave at Tommy. He waves back with a big grin on his face. I noticed the small bandages on his head before walking out of his gates. I'll have to give him a hug tomorrow. I keep walking down the wooden path until I see the familiar wooden house that belongs to Tubbo. I go up and knock on his door.

"Yeah yea, one second!" I heard him yell out to me. I giggle as I hear him stumble his own feet trying to get to the door. "Wait no let me get it-!"

"Hello YYYYYY/N!"

"Hello Purpled! It's nice to see you after a while."




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