But I couldn't let him pay. No. It would come out of my check. I just hope he doesn't want to go anywhere expensive.

The whole car ride was silent, but I finally broke the silence and asked "Why'd you ask me to lunch?" while looking out the window, I hated making eye contact and I was nervous being in his presence.

"Your hungry aren't you," he said staring at me not focusing on the road. I mean I was honestly scared of this man. All the things I heard about him, I was starting to believe he was just such a negative person to be around. I don't understand. He was so evil and stuck up. But here I am in his fucking car.

Going to lunch with him.

He's lying. I doubt he's just taking me to lunch because I'm hungry. How does he know I didn't bring anything for lunch? Or maybe he gave me extra work so I wouldn't eat. Maybe he's been watching me.

But still, I'm pretty sure he doesn't take his other workers to lunch because they're hungry. He probably lets them starve.

The car came to a stop and we were finally at the restaurant.

Not surprised he didn't help me out of the car he had me follow him into the restaurant. I quickly ran behind him and walked up to the huge building.

It says something in Italian that I can't even pronounce but by the looks of it, it's pure luxury.

Did he really have to take me to an expensive restaurant? I could've gone to McDonald's.

A young man opened the door for me and I thanked him while walking inside the fancy restaurant. I'm shocked by the beauty, it's my first time entering a restaurant this expensive. I got a couple of stares from people, they were looking at me crazy because of the man I was with. but I just ignored them.

There right I am crazy. What the fuck am I thinking? I shouldn't have gotten in the car with him. I'm already regretting this and nothing has even happened yet.

When it was time to order I only wanted water because it was the only thing I could afford after looking through the menu. A salad was 99 dollars. But he stopped me and had the waiter order me what he got.

I stood there patiently waiting for the food to come. He was constantly staring at me, and every time I looked over he turned his head. What the fuck is up with him? Inviting his worker to lunch? Staring? Hell no he wants something?!

"What do you want Mr.Valentino?" I said causing him to look at me.

"No no, not yet Ms.Paris," he said smiling. He's always smirking but his smile is really something different. Those pearl white teeth and juicy pink lips can make any girl blush.

The food got here and I started to eat. It was good until it wasn't cause I got this uneasy feeling in my stomach. I felt sick and I was getting dizzy. I looked up at him and asked "What was in this"? Because it felt like I was having an allergic reaction He shrugged his shoulders.

Then it hit me. I got something with cinnamon in it. How could I not smelled it?


And since I don't have any money I can't afford to get an Epi-pen.

I started to cough. "Is there- is there-" cough cough cough "cinnamon " I said to get clarification and I fell to the floor. He came to me and quickly yelled and told the waitress to come over and asked her was cinnamon in the dish. She said yes and he told her to tell the chef he's fired.


I was allergic to cinnamon badly, growing up I always had an allergic reaction because I always accidentally ate it. My stepfather would put it in my food purposely. And I never smelt it.

The last thing I felt was his warm arms around me picking me up before I fell into a deep sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I woke up confused, I was in a whole different place. Laying down on a bed in a different room. The last thing I remember was having an allergic reaction and him picking me up, then it hit me, I was in his room, on his bed, in his house again. Hell no I gotta get outta here.

I quickly got up and ran for the door but before I could open it He shouted: "Where are you going?" I turned around only to see him dripping wet in his towel, hair soaked and messy giving him this perfect young look. This man is just perfect in almost every way. Expect for his nasty attitude.

He walked up to me and grabbed my waist bringing me close to him. So close my breasts were pressing on his chest. I put my hands on his chest and tried to push myself back but failed. He got closer.

"What do you want?" I said looking him in the eyes wanting answers.

"I want you to stay."

"Why?" I said with anger. I felt like in that moment he was playing with me. Touching me and grabbing my waist.

"Cause I said so," He said getting irritated like I did something wrong.

"You can't tell me what to do," I replied pushing him off me and heading towards the door.

"But I can," he yelled just before I put my hand on the doorknob. I stopped and listened. "I brought you here, show some respect," He said raising his voice which made me jump.

"Sorry I didn't mean to offend you," I said with a sad voice. He's right he did bring me here and for that, I should thank him.

He saved my life again.

"Th- Thank you," I stuttered.

"Get the fuck out," He said with anger like I didn't just apologize to him.

"Ungrateful motherfucker," I muttered and slammed the door.

"YOUR GONNA REGRET THAT," I heard him yell. I ran and go out of there as fast as I could.

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