.Forget Her.

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Everything hurt. And I looked horrible. At least that son of a bitch is dead. I don't think I could deal with him any longer.

All of my classmates avoided me when I walked down the center of the hallway. No one wanted to go near an ash-covered-blood-soaked girl--who appeared to be smoking the most burned cigarette of all time.

At the end of the seemingly endless hallway was no other than Heather Duke. Once she saw me her mouth dropped and her eyes went wide with shock and horror. Wow, look who's happy to see me. I took a quick drag before I approached her.

"Veronica, you look like hell," Heather gracefully exclaimed, being ever so blunt.

Her brown eyes examined my wounds with her eyes full of disgust.

I know she hated me right now. But for a moment I pretended she didn't. Pretended she still looked at me like I was the center of her world, and that I felt the same. Back when we were in love.

It's awful- But I wish I could go back to holding her hair as she threw up because of that bitch Heather Chandler. And I wish I could hold her and run my fingers through her hair and comfort her. Then I would kiss the top of her head and tell her how pretty she was.

But now I had to let go of those memories. Heather Duke replaced the bitch that Heather Chandler was, and the Duke that I once loved would never come back.

I sighed, still feeling horrible. As it turns out, watching your psycho ex-boyfriend blow up in front of you is traumatizing. And may I add-gross. To say the least.

I reached my hand out towards her glossy red hair, but instead of gently brushing it with care, I pulled it. Yanking the red scrunchie from her pony-tail.

"Veronica--what are you doing!" Heather yelled, trying to grab my hand.

I smirked at her and took one last drag of my blackened cancer stick. "Heather, my love," I shook as I spoke, and tossed the cigarette on the hallway floor. She looked confused, and she looked like she wanted to smite me on the spot. I chuckled a little at that.

"There's a new sheriff in town."

I grabbed her shoulders-maybe a little too roughly- and kissed her cheek, leaving a black ash stain on her pale skin. I pushed her away, leaving her in my dust to do whatever she does now. Probably something to do with making sure she's on top of it all. As that's her latest obsession.

It was dumb. She was dumb. And now I could care less what she runs off to do.

Instead, I looked forward. Out to the big window at the end of the dark grimy hallway, and the brightest light you can imagine shown through it.

Martha was riding her little scooter in front of it. Trying to catch up with everybody.

To new beginnings...

"Hey! Martha!"

Martha turned her head at me, bandages covering her face. She looked scared. Then she saw me smiling at her, and she looked more calm and even happier to see me.

... and new friends. 

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