Chapter 26

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Tuesday 11:00am

Harry and Louis were up very late last night, doing stuff, if you know what i mean. Harry fell asleep quite quickly, but Louis was wide awake and didn't fall asleep til around 3 am. Harry was up around 11, but allowed Louis to sleep for longer. Harry proceeded to invite Anne and Fizzy over so they could tell them the news.

Harry made some breakfast and coffee for himself, before attempting to wake Louis up. He is always grumpy if he is woken up too early, so Harry left him and went to shower. By the time he got out, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey mum! And Fizzy. Come on in, but just keep the noise down. Louis is still sleeping." Harry guided them to the kitchen and made them drinks.

"Seriously? It's almost noon and he's still sleeping?" Fizzy sipped on her tea. She drinks the same as Louis, so her tea was easy to make.

"Well he didn't fall asleep til almost 3 am last night. You probably don't want to ask why." Harry got quiet and just stared at the ground, too embarrassed to make any eye contact.

"Why no- Oh nevermind." Fizzy giggled slightly, while Anne gasped.

"Harry Edward Styles!" She gave him a slap on the arm, while glaring at him.

"Oh come on mum. I won't be discussing my sex life with you, but I am 23. I'm not a teenager who hooked up with some wild girl. Louis is my boyfriend you know." Harry finished his coffee and placed the mug in the sink. Anne and Fizzy just shook their heads. "I'm going to go wake Louis now and then we have some news to share."

"Oh no Harry, I think we got enough news this morning, thank you very much." Anne went to the living room, Fizzy following close behind. Harry just rolled his eyes before he heard the TV come on as he entered his and Louis' bedroom.

Louis was still fast asleep, a small love bite on his neck. Remnants from last night. Harry approached the bed, carefully sitting on the edge before tapping Louis' shoulder.

"Louis, Louis, Louis. Time to get up!" Harry caressed his cheek before kissing it as Louis groaned and mashed his face into his pillow.

"Go away. I'm still tired. I want to sleep more."

'No can do. My mum and Fizzy are here so we can tell them the news. Oh and they know we had sex last night. So go shower. Come on." Harry pulled the covers down to Louis' legs. He was still naked, not bothering to put anything on after last night.

"Stop staring Styles. I can feel your eyes." Louis made his way towards the bathroom before stopping and posing as he knew Harry was still staring. "Like what you see?"

Harry stayed silent but threw a pillow at him as he laughed and closed the bathroom door. Harry waited for him, pulling out his phone and waited on the bed. Then he heard Louis yell for him in the bathroom.


Harry got up rather quickly and made his way to the bathroom. He knocked then entered, seeing Louis naked body.

"Seriously? This is what you called me for. I thought you were hurt. Change and come downstairs." But before Harry could leave Louis pulled him into a hug getting his shirt and trousers wet. "Louis! You're all wet!"

"That's the point. Take 'em off. Let's have another round shall we?" Louis took his shirt off, but Harry grabbed his wrists before he made his way to his trousers.

"No! Not while family is here. Later, I promise." Harry took his trousers off and went to his dresser so he could change, as his clothes were wet. Louis pouted but reluctantly dried off and put on his clothes for the day. He dried his hair and fixed it up before making his way downstairs.

"Louis!" Fizzy ran up to him, hugging him tightly. "Heard you got some last night, ey?"

"Okay I am not going to discuss that with you. That is not your business. That's not even why Harry brought you here. We have some news." Louis went back to Harry, taking him hand in hand.

"We are officially engaged." He held his hand up, showing off the engagement ring.

"Aww, congrats big brother. I'm happy for you guys." She gave him a hug and then admired the ring. "Good choice on the ring Harry."

"Thanks Fizz." He turned his attention to his mum who hasn't yet said anything. "Mum?"

"I'm sorry, that's great. I'm just sad that my baby boy is going to be getting married. And I'm happy to take in Louis as my future son-in-law." What Anne said made Louis tear up. Since his mum had died, he hasn't really had another motherly figure. Of course Anne was supportive, but it wasn't the same. This time it was different. He hugged Anne tightly, Fizzy did too. "You've been through so much Louis and your mum is looking down on you now. She would be so proud of you."

Harry joined the hug. It soon broke, with Louis clutching to Harry's side, which Harry didn't seem to mind.

"So when are you gonna get married? Like soon?" Anne asked, sitting down on their couch.

"Well we haven't really discussed that yet. We have to talk. Plus we only got engaged last night, so we aren't rushing anything. We still have a few things to discuss. We will though, right Harry?" Louis turned towards Harry, who was washed away in his thoughts.

"What? Oh yeah, of course. Tomorrow we will talk."

The rest of the day was spent going out to lunch and discussing the engagement. They talked about how Harry set it up and how he proposed. They talked all night before Louis fell asleep on Harry in the middle of the conversation.

"Lou?" Harry looked down as Louis was in his lap, fast asleep. "Guess he is still tired."

Anne and Fizzy shook their heads before they both grabbed their things.

"I'm going to head out. I'll talk to you soon luv." Anne gave Harry a kiss on his forehead before heading out.

"Bye mum!" He said, trying not to wake Louis. "It was good to see you Fizz. See you soon?"

"Of course! Always open, just text me. And tell Louis i said bye. Congrats again!"

"Thanks. Have a nice night!" Fizzy left, leaving Harry with Louis still fast asleep on his lap.

"Alright, it's time for bed." Harry went to pick Louis up, but Louis grabbed his shirt, pulling him back down.

"Don't move, I'm warm. The bed is cold."

"Louis I can't sleep like this. Come on, we are going to our room." Harry lifted Louis up bridal styles carrying him to their room. He placed him gently on the bed before changing him like a little kid. He took his shirt and trousers off, leaving his boxers. Harry did the same and climbed into bed, snuggling Louis who claimed he was cold.

"I thought you wanted to cuddle. Come on." Harry pulled Louis towards him.

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's waist as they got comfortable, settling in for the night. It was only 9 pm. 

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