Chapter 2

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Thursday 1:08pm

4 hours

Louis and Harry both awoke late that day. Half of their two year anniversary was wasted with sleep. Louis, surprisingly woke before Harry, so he decided to make them tea this morning. As Louis headed toward the bedroom, Harry came out and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"You know I'm the one who usually makes us tea darling." Harry took his cup of tea and they both sat down on the couch.

"I know, but I thought why not change it up. It is our anniversary you know." They kissed on the lips and as they pulled back, they both stared at each other's piercing eyes. "Happy Anniversary Babe."

"Happy Anniversary. Now, I have plans for tonight. Six o'clock reservations at the nice restaurant in downtown. That's all i'm going to say." Harry placed his mug on the table and quietly chuckled. He was nervous for tonight, but he couldn't give away any clues. "Just dress nicely and we will leave at five o'clock sharp, as there may be traffic.

"Alright curly, but don't pull any funny business with me." Louis got up and went to turn the TV on.

For the rest of the day, they watched movies and cuddled, eating popcorn until Harry put it away around three o'clock, to be sure they were hungry for their dinner later that night, as it was gonna be a fancy three course meal.


40 minutes

"Come on. Get your arse up. Time to go get ready." Harry pushed Louis off of him, as he had fallen asleep during their last movie. It was already 4:30 and he knows Louis takes forever to get ready. They had to leave by five o'clock sharp to make sure they got to dinner on time. "Go shower and put the clothes on I put out for you. They're on the bed." 

Harry went to their second bedroom and bathroom and did the same. He picked out his black shoes and black dress pants that he always wore for special occasions. He grabbed a white dress shirt and began doing the buttons. It took him only 15 minutes. He proceeded towards the kitchen to wait for Louis.

As it approached five o'clock, Louis finally came out to the kitchen, in his stunning sparkly black suit. It had a hint of light blue sparkles, which brought the blue out in his eyes. That was the reason Harry chose that suit for him. They proceeded out the door and into Harry's. They had bodyguards at the restaurant already, so Harry decided to drive. They began driving and sitting in traffic until it cleared and they could speed up a bit. A car comes flying as it approaches 5:09pm...

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