Y/N deals with Baby Deku for a Day:Deku x Y/N

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Uraraka had texted you to hurry to Dekus dorm so you did and you were a little scared of what you were gonna find and when you went in you saw the Dekusquad staring at a tiny Deku so you say"What's this?" They all shrug then your boyfriend ran to you and cling onto crying slightly so you pick him up and rock him for a bit calming him down then you grab your phone and call Inko hoping she knew how to deal with her son so she said"Come here and I'll help" so you and the Dekusquad go to inkos house and put down Deku so he hurried to the couch and sat down and you guys talk about it for a bit. You helped make lunch and gave it to Deku so he ate it then you wash the dishes while Inko distracted her son. You finished the dishes and brought Deku to the park to tire him out more but he had a lot of energy so it took awhile to tire him out but once you did you guys walked back to Inkos house and You helped make dinner. You gave everyone food then you sat down and ate then once everyone finished you washed their dishes while The Dekusquad left you picked Deku up and brought him to his room laying down with him almost falling asleep then he cuddled you so You cuddled back and played with his hair making him fall asleep instantly. You close your eyes falling asleep then once you woke up you heard the Dekusquad talking so you looked over to see Deku normal sized so cuddled more into him causing him to rub your back.

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