KiriDeku give you love while your pregnant with their baby:DekuKiri x Y/N

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You,Kirishima,and Deku got married 3 years ago and Now Your 6 months pregnant with Their Baby. You guys were having a babygirl and you didn't know what you were gonna name her yet but you guys were thinking about it and Your guys family were happy for you and excited to meet her. You had a room for her set up that had clothes in it and toys but also the needed stuff like a crib,Changing table,Dresser for her clothes,Diaper,and Wipes. You were sitting in you guys bedroom when they both came in and kept kissing your cheek causing you to giggle then you kissed them back on the cheek. You Guys cuddled and watched tv then whenever you were hungry they'd get you whatever you wanted because you were carrying their child and they understood it took a lot of strength. They help as much as they can because they still go on missions so when They're on missions you normally hangout with inko because if you got hurt and you were home alone nobody would know but if you were with someone they could help. You guys talked about what to name her since it was coming soon but you guys couldn't figure out what to name her so you gave up and just kept cuddling with each other. You say"Im hungry I want French fries and Pizza" the moment you said that they were both out of the bed hurrying to get you the food and you giggle not expecting that so you kept watching tv and a few minutes later they come back with Pizza and fries so you all share and eat. You guys continue cuddling until you all fall asleep.

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