Trips and Pain

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Author note: yeah so, I know I am super repetitive and enjoy putting characters through pain and life changing scenarios and make then act and say and do things that never would happen or had happened in the past but that's just how I imagine it so yeah updates are verrrrry slow but I'm getting back into writing so that's good, I guess.

Mal pov.

So... It's the night before Ben goes on ANOUTHER work trip and instead of doing what we usually do before he leaves. I'm stuck going to some overly fancy ball that people wanted to have for no rhyme or reason but still here I am, in our bathroom doing my makeup and hair for another event I could care less about. I mean yeah, these things don't happen every week only once every couple months but there miserable none the less. Earlier Ben promised me that after this thing if it wasn't too late, we would go out for a bit but if it was, we would just watch a movie in our room and most likely fall asleep in the middle of it and that would be the end of it. He says to be hopeful, but I know how these things go there's maybe a 1% chance we will end up doing either of those things so I'm not really getting my hopes up. Because one he's in a meeting and will probably get last minute work to do Two he will most likely get more work from people at the ball tonight and Three he's leaving early and is going to want to sleep and most likely make me sleep because he knows I don't sleep much when he's not here not that I don't like the castle or anything I just feel better when he's here even if he's not in the same room I know he's close by, so it helps but when he's far away in some other kingdom or country I don't really sleep. So, it's basically a lose, lose situation.

*Time skip because I'm lazy*

Mal pov.

We haven't even been here an hour in and I'm ready to go all we have done so far is make rounds, dance (mostly Ben) and now I'm currently standing next to him quietly as he talks with some old family friends of some sort no doubt. Either that or people he's met on trips that came for this event. He occasionally tries to bring me into a conversation, but it doesn't really work so I pretty much will just stand here and listen to him talk to a bunch of different people that have no interest in me or that I have in them really. Eventually I give up and go sit on one of the many couches in the ballroom with a sigh and end up watching him dance with like 15 other girls. After what seems like an eternity he finally comes and sits by me smiling slightly.

"Enjoying yourself?" I ask raising an eyebrow he chuckles and stands up again pulling me up with him and saying, "Dance with me darling?"

I nod and follow him onto the ballroom floor when a bunch of his 'friends' that I didn't even know existed come up to us and start talking. Not wanting to come off as rude I stand there and listen to what they're saying and sigh as Ben wraps an arm around me and after a while whispers to me

"sorry Mal later okay?"

Sighing I nod and rest my head on his shoulder closing my eyes drowning out the noise around me. Eventually I open my eyes and see the guys walking away and Ben finish saying something to me that I don't quite catch.

Looking up I say "hmm?" chuckling he repeats himself "Well since things are kind of starting to die down and I have talked to the people I need to some of the guys are going to go and..."

I sigh slightly annoyed "go" he takes my hands and looks me in eye "Are you sure? I know I promised to take you out tonight" I nod and reply "You can go its fine besides its only 8 that's plenty of time just....don't be out for more than a few hours, I haven't seen you much recently and I want to before you completely disappear."

Smiling her pulls me into a quick hug and kisses my forehead "I won't be out for more than 2 hours promise." I smile slightly and watch him walk out my smile falling slowly.

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