Chapter 12 - Kaito's Party vs. The Dullahan

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Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and I rushed to the front gate. Darkness, weighed down by her heavy armor, fell behind.

A large number of adventurers had already gathered by the time we arrived. They carefully kept their distance from where he, the dullahan, stood. He was clearly seething with rage.

Here it comes...

"Why haven't you come to the castle?! You wretches!" the dullahan yelled.

Kazuma questioned why the Demon King's general returned.

"What? Why? We're not firing explosion magic at you anymore..."

"Not firing at me, you say? That's a barefaced lie! That crazy demon girl is still coming to my castle every single day!"


Kazuma looked toward Megumin.

Megumin looked away.

"You went to his castle?!" Kazuma yelled while pulling on Megumin's cheeks.

"Ow-ow-ow! That's not it! Please hear me out-! Until now, I've been able to settle unleashing my magic on empty plains, but since I learned the allure of using magic attacks on a castle, well... Now I need something big and hard, or I just can't endure it."

"Don't say that while fidgeting! Besides, you can't move after unleashing your magic! Which means you must've had an accomplice..."

Kazuma immediately turned toward Aqua.

"Why are you looking at me, I've done nothing of this sort! If anything, it could've been Kaito!"

"Me? You were the one complaining about not having any worthwhile quests because of the dullahan!"


Kazuma hit us both on the back of the head at the same time.

Aqua and I retaliated by grappling Kazuma, but we were interrupted by the dullahan.

"Hear me, fools. My name is Verdia. This isn't the only thing I'm offended by. Did you not have the backbone to seek retribution for your ally's death?! I may be evil now, but in life, I strove to be an upstanding knight. In my opinion, allowing the death of that crusader, a model knight who protected her ally and received my curse, to go to waste is simply..." He suddenly stopped mid-sentence. "What...?"

Darkness came to the forefront of the crowd, her face red from the dullahan's praises.

"G-Gosh, um... A model knight?"

"What?! You're... alive?"

The dullahan's face was hidden by his helmet, but I could imagine the look of shock at seeing Darkness again.

"What's this? Was this dullahan waiting for us the whole time, with no idea we easily dispelled his curse after we left? That's hilarious! Super hilarious!"

I found it hard not to join Aqua in the laughter, but I wanted to keep up a cool exterior in front of the other adventurers.

The dullahan's shoulders trembled with anger.

I wonder what he'll say next.

"I-If I felt like it, I could massacre every inhabitant of this city!"

A quick chuckle escaped my lips.

Aqua thrust out her right hand. "You're awfully cocky for an undead!"

Her hand began to glow a cleansing light.

"Do you think a beginner adventurer's magic can-"

"-Turn Undead!"

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