Chapter 3

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(Trying a new way to put my paragraphs)

Crescent's P.O.V

I lay on my bed staring at my phone "Should I text him?" I mumble to myself "Text who?" A voice said from behind me, "Gradient" I answered back. "I wanna ask him out" Then I turned around at realized it was my cousin Starcrosss behind me. He laughed, making me jump a little. "Lux told me to check on you" He sat down next to me "Well I'm fine." I dully answered not taking my eye's off my phone. "But seriously, if you want to ask him out just do it. What's the worse that can happen?" He smiled.

 "He could never talk to me agian, hate me, completely avoid me, say no.." I listed a few of all the things on my mind. "..." He was speechless his smile now completely gone. Which admittedly did bring me a little joy. "You know what I mean, just text him." He smiled again.  


Cres: Hey, do you wanna go hang out somewhere?

Gradi: Sure when?

Cres: How about tomorrow, I can pick you up at 5:00.

Gradi: It's a date!


They continued to text each other back and forth making plans for the date

"You know what I never thought you'd get this far" My positive cousin joked. In response smacked the back of his head with a tentacle. "Damn octopus" he mumbled rubbing the back of his head. And he left my room.

~With Gradient~

"Aww my brother got a date!" my bro laughed, I just groaned in response. Then there was a shout from the other room "Dinners ready!"

~Time skip to tomorrow~

Gradient's P.O.V

I was walking through the halls finding my way back to class when I bumped into someone. "Ah sorry" She turned around it it was that girl I met a few weeks ago. "Oh hi, I haven't seen you in a few weeks" She smiled, she then paused and tapped her chin "Sorry, I guess I forgot your name!" Slight blush on her cheeks from embarrassment. "Oh I never told you, and I never got your name" I explained. "Well I'm Frisk" she smiled warmly extending her arm, "Gradient" I hesitantly took her hand and shook it.

Then a loud noise rang out in the hall, it was the school bell "Well it's nice seeing you again!" She smiled once again before turning away and walking into the crowd of students.

~Time skip to class~

I was barley paying attention to class my mind was on my date with Crescent later after school, "Soooo" It was coming from Lux who was in the desk next to me, I looked over to her "You, and Crescent later huh" She had this smug smile on her face. I regretted looking over to her, "Mhm" I fully turned to her "It's a date right?" She purred, I was getting uncomfortable "Lux, Gradient stop chatting!" The teacher called from the front of the room, we both looked forward and she went back to teaching whatever it was she was talking about.

Class was over but I could still definitely feel Lux on my tail, and I knew she couldn't follow me all the way to class so I just kept walking but she cut me off and was now in front of me. "Damn it she's fast" I thought to myself, but she had now completely blocked my way. "Back to what we were talking about in  class." There was a glow in her eye's and I knew I would have to answer her questions. "Your going on a date with my cousin" She paused. Then came the storm.... "How long have you liked him?" "How often do you talk?" "Are you where he's been going after school?" She asked rapidly, "Uhh, yes, I don't know, everyday after school, and yes." I blushed while trying to answer her question but they just keep coming to the point where I was getting dizzy.

"That's enough questions!" I lightly pushed her to the side to run off. I was in front of my next class, but class wouldn't start for 10 minutes... I looked around  a few people loosely near by, but one person did catch my eye. Crescent was standing near a locker looking at his phone,  I decided, I'd go and sate to him I mean we are going o̶n̶ a̶ d̶a̶t̶e̶  to hang out later so why not. 

I walked to him and he almost instantly noticed me  "Hey Gradi" He looks up sliding phone into his pocket a small out of blush dusted in soot gray cheeks. "Hey Cresc!" I smile slightly, we start talking but mostly about random things, till the bell rang, "I guess I'll see you later then" I half smiled turning around and walking into my class.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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