Chapter 2

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=-Time skip to school-=

Gradient's P.O.V

I wonder if I'd see Crescent again today I thought to myself but then something pulled me out of my thoughts "Grad?" "Grrraadd" "GRADIENT!" And it was my brother "What!" I yelled back, gaining a few awkward looks from others roaming the halls. "You've been spacing out all day are you ok" A flash of concern flooded his face, "Yeah I'm fine I've been thinking a lot.." I began to trail off, but my brother snapped his fingers in my face. 

"Dude what are you thinking about?" "Holy shit is it a guy?!?" He smiled, I blushed "What no will you grow up!" I once again screamed but he thought otherwise based off the blush spreading across my face again earning a few looking from ongoing students. "I-I'm late for class!" I turned away from my brother and ran off to class.

~-~Another time skip~-~ 

  I noticed the bullies have been following me around through most of the day I guess they're looking for payback. So I did my best to stay near people it was the end of the day anyway so I was probably fine, as I was thinking I bumped into someone. Before I could apologize she spoke first "Oh sorry!" She looked kind of familiar but I wasn't sure where I'd seen her before. "Oh your the person who saved me yesterday!" She smiled "I've been meaning to thank you" "It's no problem." I stuttered taking her hand and shaking it. "I have to go but I'll see you around!" She smiled before turning away and walking off I realized I didn't know her name and I didn't tell her mine, so I sighed.  

I then thought it'd be a better idea to hide out in the library since almost no was here after hours besides the librarian. I  chose an isle to sit down in and I pulled out my tablet and stylus to pass the time.

About an hour passed and I didn't really want to leave, I was mostly doodling till I took notice on what I was doodling and they were body sketches....  and the more I looked at them the more they looked like Crescent. I blushed and sighed. Deciding to draw something different but it turned out to be another image of Crescent, I silently cursed myself and continued shading the image.

Crescent's P.O.V 

I was sitting in an isle in the library just scrolling through my phone, I liked it here mostly because I was alone and it was quiet, I was mostly scrolling through Paper Jam's social media accounts hoping to find an image of Gradient "I'm pathetic" I sighed. Putting my phone in my pocket, and stood up. But almost the second I turn the isle Gradient was sitting there.

I looked down at him, and he didn't seem to notice me, so I walked closer and sat down next to him on the floor. Gaining his attention. "H-hi" he finally noticed me, "What are you doing here?" I asked him "Well there are a few asshole's waiting for me somewhere outside here." He sighed then shrugged, "I c-can walk you out" I offered.  He accepted and we walked out together, surely enough the same group of punks were waiting outside.

But they left when they saw me walking with him, I don't really know why but knowing that he's safe with me had this certain satisfaction to it. We started our walk I attempted to start a conversation "Wh-what were you you doing in the library" I asked him hoping to learn a little about him.

3rd P.O.V

Gradient then pulled out his tablet and showed Crescent a few sketches scrolling through them while they walked "what's that one" he pointed at the one image Gradient attempted to scroll past because it was the one drawing he did back in the library, "Uh t-that one's private!" Gradient lowered his tablet. Crescent wanted to respect Gradients privacy, but on the other hand...

 He used a tentacle  to lift the tablet from the smaller skeletons grasp and into his hand so he could get a better look. He inspected the image "Give it back!" Gradient wined and stood on his toes to take the tablet back, "Nope" Crescent continued to inspect the photo, "This is pretty good" blush dusted his face. He lowered the tablet and Gradient snatched it back, "No it's not" he mumbled, and they continued their walk. "I mean it" he smirked, Gradient shook his head.

The rest of the walk was silent but it wasn't awkward or tense it was peaceful. Till they arrived at Gradients house where they said goodbye.

*Time skip to a few weeks later brought to you by lazy author*

 As the weeks passed Crescent continued to walk Gradient and protect him from the bullies. Then one day before they said their goodbye's Gradient turned around.

"Wait!" Gradient exclaimed and Crescent turned around "Hmm?" He looked at him Gradient took Crescents hand, which made both of them blush a light color. He took a pen from his pocket and wrote onto the palm of Crescents hand. It was his number "Call me!" He smiles before walking into his house. While the other stood there, he looked at the number almost instantly typing it into his phone not to forget it.

Gradient's P.O.V

I walked into my house absolutely freaking out dark green blush filled my cheeks. "Hello brother" And to my luck my brother was probably watching everything that went on outside. "Take a seat" He patted the spot on the couch next to him. "I'm fucked" I mumbled sitting down next to him. "So.... Crescent" I stayed silent, then he nudged me. "Yes.." I sighed "You know what I never thought my bro would want to date an octopus" he chuckled putting his arm around my shoulder "Your the one dating some old man!" I retorted.

"Who's dating who?" It was my mom Ink he slumped over the couch putting both his arms around our shoulders. His left eye a purple question mark and the right one a red square. "Uh no one mom!" Paper jam tried to struggle of of his grasp but failed. "If you say so!" He smiled leaving us. "And for your information Fresh is not old!" He stuck his tongues out like a little kid, and I did the same with mine. 

A/N: I just realized since Gradient has 4 tongues and Crescent is top...

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