Chapter 25: Celeste

Start from the beginning

I ran my fingers up and down his side, more content than I'd ever been in my life.

"You're moving back in, right?"

My hands paused on his skin at the words, and I began to shake with laughter. I buried my face in his neck as I laughed.

"Oh my god, that's the first thing you say after that?"

"Well... yeah. I mean, how else are we supposed to do this all the time?"

Curbing my laughter, I pretended to think about it. "Hmm. You do have a fair point. "

"That, and I love you and being apart from you sucks ass."


"Wow, virgin one moment and wanting butt play the next. You really are filthy," Liam teased and smacked my ass playfully.

"You started it!"

"I'm finishing it too. You're moving in."

I stared at him, eyebrows raised and silence growing.

"Okay, okay," Liam relented. "But seriously, do you want to keep your house? I know it's important to you because of your dad, and I don't want to make you just give it up. But I would love for you to live with me here. Even if you don't decide tonight, will you think about it?"

"Of course," I replied. "I'll let you know what I decide."

"Awesome. How sore are you?"

I took a mental inventory. "Not too bad. Why?"

"Round two baby!" I laughed as he wrestled with me in the bed, both of us trying to get the upper hand.

Best. Night. Ever.


"Alright, this is the last box," Liam called out as he maneuvered said box through his front door. Both of us were slightly sweaty and breathless, having moved most of my stuff over to his place. It hadn't taken me long to say yes to him; I'd already figured out that holding onto the house was more sentimental than economically wise. I didn't really need the house, and I wanted to be with Liam anyhow. The best memories I had of my dad were in my mind and heart, not the house.

"Thank you," I responded as I met him in the front room and grabbed it from him. I was setting it down when he came up behind me and ground his already hard cock into my ass.

"Wow, already?" I teased him, but honestly, watching his muscles bulge moving all my stuff around had gotten me turned on like crazy. Under my jean shorts and light pink underwear, I was wet as hell.

"I'm always ready for you babe. Now, what do you say we christen this place?"

A throat clearing behind us interrupted my response, and both of us spun around guiltily. Seeing Liam's mother standing there was the last thing either of us expected.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I came by to... apologize."

I glanced up at Liam, seeing the abject surprise on his face. I was guessing this didn't happen very often. I turned back to Janet, giving her my full attention.

"I expected the worst of both of you, and it wasn't fair. Celeste, your dad was my only real support and help in the years I knew him, even after I left him. Being married to him was the best six months of my life, and I regret leaving him every day. I was scared to be as happy as I was, and I left before it could be taken away from me."

She paused here and pulled a handful of papers out of her purse. "By way of apology, and a belated thanks to your father, I'd like to give these to you."

I moved forward automatically and took the papers from her. It took me a second to realize what I was looking at, but when I did, the tears were already falling.

"I know it's just money, but I'd like to think it's a way to start over. For all of us."

"This is too much..." I said the words, my hands shaking and eyes clouding over as I looked over the multiple invoices with a PAID IN FULL stamp across the top. The house mortgage. The hospital bills. My student loans. All paid.

"It's not. After a few divorces that ended favorably for me, I have plenty to spare. Can we... put the past behind us? Try and start on a better foot?"

I finally noticed the nerves that laced her voice, and looked up at her through the tears of relief and gratefulness. She was standing tall and proud, but her hands were clasped in front of her tightly.

I shoved the papers into Liam's hands and made it to her in just a few strides, throwing my arms around her stiff body.

"Yes, I would love that."

My words seemed to release the tension in her body and she loosened enough to hug me back, although I could tell the action was not a familiar one. I stepped away so that I wouldn't be making her more uncomfortable than she already was, and she gave me a trembling smile.

"And Liam," she started as she turned to him."

"It's okay Mom. All is forgiven."

I saw the tremble go through her, and knew she was doing everything she could not to fall apart in front of us. She'd apologized gracefully, but she was still a proud woman.

"Would you like to come over for dinner after we've got everything put back together?"

My invitation brought a smile to her face, something that softened the harsh lines that had grown over the years.

"Yes, please. I'll, uh, leave you kiddos to it then," she said with a small blush in reference to the conversation she'd accidentally interrupted. "And next time, try to remember to shut the front door first."

Liam and I burst into laughter as she left.

"That was embarrassing," Liam chuckled.

"That, Liam, was a new beginning." We were obviously talking about slightly different things, but he agreed.

"Now, where were we..."

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