Chapter 4: Celeste

Start from the beginning

My only question was how the hell would Liam know any of that about me since we hadn't seen each other or spoken in over a decade. I kept that thought to myself though, not wanting to ruin this chance before I even got started.

Faking a confidence I didn't feel, I replied. "Well that's all true. He forgot to mention that I'm a three-time Nobel Peace Prize recipient, however."

I bit back the laughter that wanted to burst out of me when all three of their eyes bugged out of their head at that. Moments later, Liam started to chuckle and my senses perked up at the sound. A zing went through me when he threw his head back and laughed loudly, catching onto my bullshit.

"Oh man, Celeste," he said after letting it out. "I forgot you had a way of spitting out something ridiculous like that with a completely straight face."

I grinned back, finally letting out my own laugh. My body warmed to think that he'd not only noticed that about me while our parents had been married, but even remembered it.

I turned back to Travis, still chuckling. "Sorry, I tend to tell ridiculous stories like that when I'm nervous and need to break the tension."

He'd been laughing along with Liam and Noelle when they realized I was messing with them, and I began to relax. If they could handle that side of me, then I was pretty sure I would fit in well here.

"No worries. I appreciate a good sense of humor and honesty like that." He glanced at the watch on his wrist before continuing. "Emma should be here in a few minutes, and I can have her start going over everything with you. Would you like a coffee or something before she gets here?"

"A water would be great actually, if you have some."

"I can show her around a little." I turned to face Liam, surprised at the offer.

"Sure, that'd be fine. I've got to take a phone call in a minute, and since Noelle is manning the front today that leaves you or Emma to do it. And since you don't do shit around here..."

Liam rolled his eyes before stepping closer to me. "Ignore him. He has no idea what he's talking about."

I couldn't help but giggle at their easy banter even though the thought of walking around with Liam, alone, filled me with nerves. The feelings I'd done my best to hide twelve years ago were starting to resurface, and I couldn't let that happen and end up ruining the best chance of a job I'd had in years.

Liam came to my side and placed a hand on the small of my back, guiding me out of the room behind Noelle.

Although his hand rested in a spot completely appropriate, the heat of his hand through my shirt and undershirt made my skin tingle with awareness. The tingles increased when his hand pressed harder into my back, encouraging me to turn down a hallway to my left. After I turned, he dropped his hand and I was filled with equal parts relief and disappointment.

We walked down the hall in silence, and it was starting to wear on my nerves. I wasn't great at handling silence well in the first place- and now here I was, walking down the hall with my ex-stepbrother who I was undeniably still attracted to after twelve years. I wanted to break the silence, but I didn't even know where to begin.

"This is the breakroom area," he said in a soft voice, reaching over me to push open a door.

I barely even looked at the room. My eyes followed him to the fridge, where he pulled out a bottle of water and popped the top, handing it to me. I twisted the lid the rest of the way off and took a few large gulps, trying to quench the dryness of my throat. I could feel him watching me, and when my head tilted back down I saw him staring at me.

I let out a nervous laugh as I twisted the lid back on. "So... this is weird, right?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, but he didn't full on smile. "Yeah, it is." He paused, and I watched as his face softened. "I'm really sorry about your dad, by the way."

I nodded in thanks, my throat too choked up to really answer. It was still hard getting used to the fact that he was gone. He'd been battling cancer for a while, and though we thought he would beat it he ended up passing away about a year ago.

"How's your mom doing?" My voice only cracked once, and I cleared my throat.

He snorted. "Nothing's changed with her, I'm afraid."

I let out a smile. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. I know she and my dad kept in touch after splitting, since he would talk about her sometimes. He always found her antics amusing." And now that I thought about it, maybe that was how Travis had heard about me. Made sense.

"Well someone's got to, I suppose." A wry smile crossed his face, and then he seemed to shake off the topic. "Anyway, let me give you a tour of the rest of the place, and then I'll bring you back to Emma for some training."

"You got it, boss." I smiled at him cheekily and he merely grunted in response, holding the door open for me as I walked out.

I stepped out into the hallway and then turned, waiting for him to show me where to go next. His eyes flickered up to my face, and I could have sworn he was checking out my ass. I shrugged it off though since I figured there was no way that was possible.

Walking around with Liam was surreal. I could hardly concentrate on everything he was telling me, my thoughts a whirlwind inside my head. Thankfully, I'd always been interested in art so when he brought me to the gallery and showrooms I was able to forget about him momentarily while I took everything in.

By the time he brought me back to Emma's desk I'd started to get used to being around him again. It was going to be a little odd for a bit, but if I could keep my attraction to him in the back of my mind, I could figure this out and really enjoy this job.


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