Chapter 2: Liam

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I stared out of my office window without really seeing anything, thinking about the girl I'd talked to on the phone at 2 a.m. because I was so drunk that I was past the point of sleeping.

When I'd randomly called a sex line because I'd seen a commercial for it on tv, I had never expected to get someone as funny and dirty as Cassandra, with the sexiest voice I'd heard in a long time- if ever. I hadn't lied when I'd told her the greeting she'd supplied me with was a huge cliché, but it wasn't the reason I'd paused. When she'd answered, her voice had reminded me of someone from my past and it had startled me enough to silence me. But I'd convinced myself there was no way it was her and had gotten my past out of my head. At least, as much as possible while blind drunk.

"Liam!" My best friend's voice jerked me out of my day dreams and I winced at the resulting ringing of my ears and pounding in my head.

"Fuck man, do you have to be so loud?"

"Only when you're not listening to a damn thing I'm saying. What's going on with you today?"

"Nothing, I just didn't get much sleep."

Travis and I had been friends for years, and I told him pretty much everything, but I didn't want to talk about Cassandra.

"I'm sure. Just get it together, we need to get this proposal finished and faxed over in the next hour."

"Right. Sorry." I pulled my thoughts away from Cassie and focused on the proposal in front of me, going over the edits Travis and I had talked about for buying out the small company. Thirty minutes later we hung up and I called in my secretary.

"Noelle, please fax this over to Harold Watson. I'm going out to meet my mother for lunch, so-"

"Hold all your calls until tomorrow." A small smile crossed her face and I chuckled.

"As always, you are perfect." Noelle snorted and picked up the contract, walking out of the office. Before she got through the doorway, she turned back around.

"Liam..." she paused, and I braced myself for her next words. I had a feeling I knew what she was going to say, but I'd let her say it anyway. "Don't let her get to you. She doesn't deserve anything from you."

I sighed and nodded. "I know. But she's still my mother. She has her issues, but I love her anyway."

She shook her head but didn't say anything else. We'd had this argument before, and it never went anywhere. I knew Noelle was right, that my mother didn't deserve the kind of life I provided for her. I shoved the thoughts aside as I grabbed everything I'd need to work from home since I always went straight there after meeting with my mother. It was easier for everyone since I was always in a shitty mood after these rendezvous. Sometimes before too, hence the drinking last night.

My mother was quite the piece of work. Selfish, materialistic, needy, and the queen of guilt trips. She had her moments of maternal warmth though, so I did what I could to appease her. Our monthly lunch date was one of those things, and it was easy enough to do even if they frustrated the hell out of me. I climbed into my town car and left my mind wander as my driver headed off in the direction of the restaurant.

I wondered if she'd have a new paramour this time around, since every few months she found another one. She'd only had two exceptions- my father who she'd been married to for seven years before he had a sudden heart attack and passed, and a guy twelve years ago who she'd been married to for six months before they decided on a mutual split. I was just about to turn eighteen when she'd married Henry. I had missed the wedding since it was during my spring break trip with a few friends and it was a quick decision. I didn't even find out they had married until I was back, and my mom was in the process of moving our stuff into Henry's house to live with him and his daughter who'd been just a few years younger than me.

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