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Script For Hogwarts Reality



My name is Natalia Avery. Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, and Ron Weasley call me Nat. Everyone else calls me Natalia. I am 15 years old. My birthday is on December 21st, 1980. My sexual orientation is Straight. My parents are John and Luna Avery. I have no siblings. I am a Pureblood witch. I am a Slytherin. My wand is made of cedar wood with a phoenix feather core, 10 3/4. My Patronus is a Basset Hound. I own a Snowy Owl named Kasper. 

||My Personality||

I have the same personality as my current reality self, with the additions of, I am confident with myself and with my academics. I am a very flirty and loving person. Flirting comes easily to me. I am an extrovert most of the time, sometimes I like to be alone. I am very intelligent, all of my classes come easily to me. I get comfortable with people easily, this results in lots of friends and admirers. When people get to know me they find my hidden personality traits, my goofy, and my lovey sides. I have no bad habits such as chewing my nails. I can be a bit clingy towards Draco Malfoy but he does not mind. People do not have trouble falling in love with me - both platonically and romantically. I am popular with the boys at Hogwarts. Everyone loves me for who I am. 

||My Appearance||

I have the same appearance and physique as my current reality self. My face looks exactly like my current reality self. I do my makeup the same way I do it in my current reality. I get as much acne as I do in my current reality, rarely. I have the same piercings as I do in my current reality. I have a small minimalistic snake tattoo on the left side of my waist. I am the same height as my current reality self, 5'4". I am healthy and can not get any medical conditions. I use a cherry chapstick which makes my lips taste like cherries. I smell like vanilla with a hint of sweet oranges. My nails are always painted red or black. 

||My Voice||

My voice sounds the exact same as my current reality voice, except for the fact that I have an English accent. I am a good singer, it is a hobby of mine. 

||My Studies||

My classes come very easily to me, I am naturally very intelligent and achievement-oriented. I am very good at magic, it comes easily to me. I am also very good at potions and random facts about magic. I am a top student. I am attending Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry. I have transferred to Hogwarts from Durmstrang. The teachers like me and are easy on me. My classes are Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, Charms with Professor Flitwick, Potions with Professor Snape, History of Magic with Professor Binns, Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Umbridge, Astronomy with Professor Sinistra, Herbology with Professor Sprout, Muggle Studies with Professor Charity Burbage, and Divination with Professor Trelawney. Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Draco Malfoy are in all of my classes. 

||My School Uniform||

My Slytherin uniform consists of a mid-thigh length black pleated skirt, a white tucked in collared shirt, grey sweater vest with the Slytherin crest over the heart, Slytherin tie, Slytherin robes, grey frilly socks, black dress shoes, or black doc martins. 

||My Relationships||

I am very popular in Hogwarts, with teachers and students. Some people want to be me and others want to be my friend. I do not have any enemies but some people do not like me, such as Pansy Parkinson. Pansy Parkinson is jealous of me because Draco Malfoy likes me and not her. I have a close bond with Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Draco Malfoy. Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Luna Lovegood are my friends. Draco Malfoy is my best friend and my love interest. My mom and I are very close, I tell her everything. My father and I are somewhat close. Both of my parents approve of me dating Draco Malfoy. Everyone has individually functioning emotions, decision making, and thought processes. 

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