The person in the dark

35 15 16

Here I am again, with a broken heart.
Trying to find hope in a place where it cannot be found.
I seek love in place where it does not exist.
I search for the light in the darkest places on earth.
That's when I saw you, the person in the dark.
You gave me hope, opened my eyes to see the beauty of this world.
You saw how broken I was and yet you fixed me piece by piece with patience.
I will never forget you, the person in the dark.
You who changed my life, I will always be grateful to.
To the ones who broke my heart, I made a promise to the person in the dark, to love you even when you hurt me a lot.
Love hurts but the pain is beautiful is what the person in the dark told me.

A Collection Of Poems💜Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora